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ISLA (Inclusive Synchronous Learning Activities) guide

This guide will explain what the capabilities and use-cases are for rooms set up for ISLA teaching.


  • For training ahead of an ISLA session: attend LEaD workshops
  • For emergency technical assistance during an ISLA session: use the phone on the podium to call AV.

Relevant City guidance


Educational Technology Workshops

The Digital Education Team runs a programme of workshops on all our educational technologies and digital accessiblity. The sessions are run both online and in-person throughout the year. View full details and sign up on the LEaD events calendar.

Request training

You can request one-to-one or group training on any of City's educational technologies or digital accessibility via the IT Self Service Portal.

Further resources

ISLA timetabling policy

The timetabling policy prioritises the booking of planned hybrid teaching courses into ISLA rooms. This ensures that hybrid modules and courses have priority allocation in any ISLA learning space before on-campus teaching is timetabled. The ISLA Steering Group has collated an up-to-date spreadsheet of all planned hybrid teaching, which forms City’s definitive list for planning and timetabling. 

Any ad-hoc hybrid teaching that has not been approved by the School Programme Approval and Review Committee (PARC) or the Timetable Planning Group (TPG) will not be prioritised. This does not however prevent the use of hybrid teaching where an ISLA room is available. Where Livestreaming would be appropriate, a DALI room is sufficient, as all DALI spaces are enabled for lecture capture Livestreaming.  The Timetabling department and the ISLA Steering Group may require clarification on the use of an ISLA room and advise whether a Livestream room may be more appropriate.  

Approved by the Education and Employability Board and the ISLA Steering Group. 

Academic references

Bartolo, N.S., Pizzuto, M.A., Wirth, F., Szijj, J.V., Serracino-Inglott, A., and Azzopardi, L.M., 2021. The shift from class-based to online learning during COVID-19: A student and academic perception. Pharmacy Education, 290–296.

Beatty, B.J., 2019. Hybrid-Flexible Course Design. EdTech Books.

Bevacqua, J. and Colasante, M., 2019. No lines: Observations from a pilot project to re-imagine,design and implement a flexible student-centred approach to study mode selection. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 16 (1).

Binnewies, S. and Wang, Z., 2019. Challenges of Student Equity and Engagement in a HyFlex Course. In: Blended Learning Designs in STEM Higher Education. Springer.

Colasante, M., Bevacqua, J., and Muir, S., 2020. Flexible hybrid format in university curricula to offer students in-subject choice of study mode: An educational design research project. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 17 (3).

Cox, J.M., Posada, J.P., and Waldron, R., 2012. Moodle Workshop activities support peer review in Year 1 Science: present and future. ASCILITE-Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Annual Conference.

Educause, 2020. 7 Things You Should Know About: The HyFlex Course Model [online]. Educause. Available from: [Accessed 2020].

Ferrero, M.A., 2020. Hybrid Flexible Class: A Professor's Guide to Hyflex Teaching [online]. Medium. Available from:

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Kohnke, L. and Moorhouse, B.L., 2021. Adopting HyFlex in higher education in response to COVID-19: students’ perspectives. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 1–14.

Lieberman, M., 2018. Introducing a New(-ish) Learning Mode: Blendflex/Hyflex [online]. Inside Higher Ed. Available from:

Manciaracina, A.G., 2020. A tool for designing hybrid learning contexts in higher education. ID&A Interaction Design & Architecture(s).

Miles, C.A. and Foggett, K., 2016. Supporting our students to achieve academic success in the unfamiliar world of flipped and blended classrooms. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13 (4).

Miller, J.B., Risser, M., and Griffiths, R., 2013. Student choice, instructor flexibility: Moving beyond the blended instructional model. Issues and Trends in Educational Technology, 1 (1).

Naffi, N., 2020. Le modèle de conception de cours hybride-flexible (HyFlex) : une stratégie pédagogique gagnante en ces temps d’incertitude. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 17 (2), 136–143.

Pathak, B.K. and Palvia, S.C., 2021. Taxonomy of higher education delivery modes: a conceptual framework. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 23 (1).

Raes, A., Detienne, L., Windey, I., and Depaepe, F., 2019. A systematic literature review on synchronous hybrid learning: gaps identified. Learning Environments Research, 23 (3), 269–290.

Raes, A., Vanneste, P., Pieters, M., Windey, I., Noortgate, W.V.D., and Depaepe, F., 2020. Learning and instruction in the hybrid virtual classroom: An investigation of students’ engagement and the effect of quizzes. Computers & Education, 143.

Raman, R., Sullivan, N., Zolbanin, H., Nittala, L., Hvalshagen, M., and Allen, R., 2021. Practical Tips for HyFlex Undergraduate Teaching During a Pandemic. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48 (1), 216–226.

Sadoux, M., 2021. How to flip it… never again? Towards agile models of work. Languages at work, competent multilinguals and the pedagogical challenges of COVID-19, 89–95.

Sartor, V., 2020. Digital Age Pedagogy: Easily Enhance Your Teaching ... [online]. American English. Available from:

Taylor, J.B.J., 2020. Could 'HyFlex' make the difference for disadvantaged learners? [online]. Jisc. Available from:

Tila, D., 2020. Shifting to blended online learning and its impact on student performance: A case study for students enrolled in economic courses prior to COVID-19 emergency remote instruction. The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 86 (4), 62–71.

Vogel, M., 2015. Peer review with the Moodle Workshop activity – a close look [online]. Digital Education team blog. Available from:

Weissmann, Y., Useini, M., and Goldhahn, J., 2021. COVID-19 as a chance for hybrid teaching concepts. GMS Journal for Medical Education.

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