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Learning spaces guide

This guide describes the types of rooms available at Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses.

Active learning

Active learning is when students participate in activities that promote synthesis, analysis and reflection on course content, encouraging students to take ownership of their learning.

It can involve students working either individually on tasks to clarify and internalise their understanding of course content or with others on collaborative activities that motivate each others learning and reflect on different peer perspectives.

  • LEaD have organised some resources to support active learning based around the Pedagogy, Space, Technology (PST) Model from University of Queensland, (Radcliffe et al, 2008, p13)
  • The small group teaching blog, developed by Dr Leonie Fleischmann, Lecturer in International Relations in the department of International Politics, provides activities and templates to support active learning in small groups.

Students in a learning space at City.


Radcliffe, D., Wilson, H., Powell, D. and Tibbetts, B., 2009. Learning spaces in higher education: Positive outcomes by design. In Proceedings of the next generation learning spaces 2008 colloquium.

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