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Moodle staff accounts guide

Overview of how staff accounts are activated and how to enrol staff on modules.

Account activation

  1. For new staff; your Moodle account will be automatically created for you. You will be enrolled on the relevant modules by the course office team.
  2. Some staff may not be registered on the staff database - SAP. If your course officer is unable to enrol you on your modules, log into Moodle once with your email and password and your account will be activated. Once your account is activated, the course office team will be able to enrol you the relevant modules.
  3. Teaching staff can be enrolled in the role of Teaching Assistant or Lecturer on the relevant module by the course office team.
  4. New course office staff should complete the Programme Administrator Enrolment request form on the IT Self Service Portal. Once you have completed your online Programme Administrator training and/or-face-to-face training and your enrolment is approved by your school representative, staff in the Digital Education team will enrol you as a Programme Administrator on the relevant categories. In Moodle 4, you will also be auto enrolled on all modules in a category so that you get access to the Module overview and Recently accessed modules blocks.

External IT accounts

To use Moodle, a user must have an account. External Examiners are created using external accounts. External Examiners will need to login to Moodle once with their credentials to activate their Moodle account. Once their Moodle account is activated, the course office team can enrol them to the role of External Examiner on the relevant modules.

External Examiners should be unenrolled from modules when the external examination process is completed.

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