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Create and collaborate with Glossary guide

Collaborate with students to create and maintain a list of module-specific dictionary definitions.

Add new Glossary entry

  1. Select the Glossary from the module page.
  2. Select Add a new entry button. 
  3. Enter the name of the entry in the Concept field and add a Definition of the word or concept.
  4. If categories have been defined in the Browse by category tab, categorise the entry by selecting the correct category from the Categories list.
  5. Underneath the large definitions box, enter any Keyword(s) (aliases) that should link to this entry. Enter the keywords one per line.
  6. To add an Attachment, e.g. a picture or document, drag and drop the file from your computer to the drag and drop area. Alternatively, select the Add button to upload via the file picker.
  7. Save changes.

add file icon and drag and drop arrows are circled

Amend Glossary entry

  1. Select the Glossary from the module page.
  2. Navigate to the relevant entry using the Search box or the Browse tabs.
  3. Select the edit icon (cog) to the bottom-right of the entry.

    Cog icon highlighted on glossary entry

  4. Make the required changes. 
  5. Save changes.

Delete Glossary entry

  1. Navigate to the relevant entry using the Search box or the Browse tabs.
  2. Select the delete icon (bin) to the bottom-right of the glossary entry.
  3. Select Continue to confirm the deletion.

Bin icon highlighted on contextual navigation menu entry


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License