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Import Quiz questions guide

Explore the options available for importing Quiz questions into your module from another Moodle module or from Word.

About Moodle2Word

Moodle2Word is a plugin for Quiz that allows question banks to be exported from Moodle into a Word file. The Word file can then be used to quickly review large numbers of questions or to prepare paper tests (where the answers and feedback is hidden). Updated questions in the Word table format can also be imported back into Moodle (in .docx format). We recommend that this plugin is used to fix questions in large question banks. The question, correct option, distractors and feedback can be updated on a word document and then imported into Moodle.

  1. All the main question types except Numerical and Calculated questions are supported. Numerical and Calculated questions are exported, but cannot be imported. 
  2. When exported questions contain images, the images are initially stored in the Word file as tabular data. After opening the Word file, you must run a custom Word macro to convert them back into images in the correct locations.
  3. You need to install a Word template (opens in new tab) on your PC to access this macro. [Select Login as a guest on the Moodle site that opens in new window to access the word template]

Export a Question bank from Moodle module

  1. Open the relevant Moodle module
  2. From the More from the contextual navigation menu, select Question bank.
  3. From the Questions drop-down menu on the top-left of the page, select Export.
  4. Select Microsoft Word 2010 table format (wordtable).
    Screenshot showing the export as a Moodle2Word format
  5. Select Export questions to file.
  6. Save the file to your computer. Save the file as a docx which is required for Import.
  7. Amend the questions, options, distractors and feedback.
  8. Save your amendments. Ensure that the file is saved as a docx. 

Import a Question bank to Moodle module

  1. Open the destination module.
  2. Each time you import questions these will be added to those that already exist in your Moodle module Question bank. If you want to edit and replace the existing questions you will need to delete these from the Question bank before importing the updated questions, to avoid duplicates.
  3. Select More from the contextual navigation menu at the top of your module, select Question bank.
  4. From the Questions drop-down menu on the top-left of the page, select Import.
  5. Choose the category you would like to import questions to.
  6. Choose Microsoft Word 2010 table format (wordtable) as the file format.
  7. If you keep Get category from file selected, Moodle will create categories based on those in the Word file you Import
  8. Select Choose a file > Upload a file> Browse. Select the relevant file from your computer and select Open and Upload this file.
  9. Select Import.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License