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Monitor student participation on a group wiki
- Select the wiki from the module homepage.
- Choose the group wiki you want to view from the Visible or Separate groups drop-down menu.
- Select Wiki index to view the wiki alphabetically or structurally.
- Select the page you want to view.
- Select wiki changes to see the change history of the wiki.
- You can compare different versions to see what work has been contributed by different group members by selecting History. The changes to the current page will be listed.
- Choose the versions you want to compare, Select Compare selected.
- The older version of the page will display on the left under the heading Older version, where deleted text is highlighted.
- Added text is indicated in the newer version on the right under the heading Newer version.
- Select Participation by user to get an overview of the number of pages created and edited and words added and deleted for each user.
- You can also use the Grades drop-down menu to assign a grade for each student.
- To manage large groups working on a wiki you could ask students to leave their initials after contributions. Alternatively you might ask students to work on a different section and then take on a whole wiki role (i.e. discussion starter, formatter, etc) which you can then assess.
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