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Live Chat guide

Create, manage and review real-time online chat discussions.

Review past sessions

  1. When you open a Chat activity, select the link to Past sessions on the Contextual navigation menu
  2. Select List all sessions. A list of sessions will display.

    Past sessions highlighted in middle of contextual navigation menu

  3. You can filter the sessions to show completed sessions only by selecting the link to List just completed sessions
  4. Review Chat messages in a session by selecting See this session.
  5. Delete session by selecting Delete this session.

When the chat room has been idle for 5 minutes, Moodle automatically saves the session and starts a new one. If there are pauses of more than 5 minutes in a single chat room, the record of the session will be split into two sessions, regardless of whether the chat room was closed at any point.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License