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Live Chat guide

Create, manage and review real-time online chat discussions.

Access Chat

When you select the Chat you are presented with two options. 

  1. Enter the chat: This is the main Chat interface. It has more features, but may not work on all browsers/devices.
  2. Use more accessible interface: Basic interface, but works on all browsers.

To begin a Chat session, choose one of the first two options. You will be presented with a simple interface displaying the participants in a panel on the right and the messages in the central column. At the bottom of the central column, you can type your Chat message.

Message from Staff one in the chat and the chat input field highlighted

Type your message into the input field and select Send or Submit (dependant on your interface) and students in the Chat will immediately see what you have sent. They can then reply.

Options available in main Chat interface

Direct public reply

If you want to reply to a student's question, find their name in the Participants list on the right and select Talk. Type your message and select Send.


If you think someone is not noticing the messages that are being sent, find their name in the list and select Beep to play a beep noise on their computer and get their attention.

Change the Chat theme

The Themes link enables you to choose between Course Theme, Bubble and Compact views.

  • Course Theme: Default option.
  • Bubble: Displays the text into cartoon bubbles.
  • Compact: Displays the text in blocks, but shows the a different coloured background for the name and the Chat text. 
Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License