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Peer Assessment activity guide

Explore the Peer Assessment activity in Moodle.

Add Grades and Feedback to a Peer Assessment activity

This page provides an overview of how to mark Peer Assessment submissions and how to export a group's calculated grades and feedback.

Some things to consider regarding the Moodle Peer Assessment activity:

Student access to their grades and feedback

The peer assessment activity automatically hides grades from students to ensure they all receive their grades and feedback at the same time. Once grading is complete and grades have been released through the Peer Assessment activity (see step 17 below), the students will be able to access their grades and feedback from the Peer Assessment link and from the Grades and Feedback report.

Revisions to grades

If revisions are made to grades after they been released, revisions will be immediately available to students. To prevent students having access to revised grades, you should hide the grade in the Grader report.

Hide the grader report

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu.
  2. Select the Grader Report dropdown menu and choose Gradebook Setup.
  3. Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the grade item you are marking.
  4. Select Hide.

Amending groups after grading

If changes are made to the group structure of one or more groups on a module after a peer assessment has been graded, grades of all existing group members will be recalculated by the peer assessment activity. To update the grades for existing group members in the grader report, return to the peer assessment summary page, open the submission grading page for each affected group and click Save changes.

View, grade and give feedback on a Peer Assessment activity

  1. Select the link to the the Peer Assessment from the module homepage.
  2. On the Peer Assessment summary page, you will see:
    • a list of groups, the number of students in each group,
    • the number of peer grades that have been submitted for each group,
    • a summary of the status including the date the first peer submission was made and notification of any late submissions,
    • if a group grade has already been entered for any groups, the grades will be displayed in the Grade column.
  3. Select the Download all submissions button under the list of groups to download all groups' submissions in a zip file.
  4. The group grade for each group can be entered or amended from the Peer Assessment summary screen by selecting the grey pencil icon in the Grade column.  The group grade can be a whole number or can include a fractional part of a number after a decimal point.
    Moodle 4 Peer Assessment Grading summary. Group 1 selected. Select the pencil (also selected) to grade the work.Only the group grade can be entered using the method described in step 4 above. To enter a grade and feedback for a group, first select the group (step 5 below), then enter the grade and feedback for the group following steps 10 - 13 below.
  5. To view a group’s submission, select the name of the first group you want to view and assess. 
  6. Select Peer submission and grades to expand the section. 
  7. Select the submission file link at the top of the section to view or download the group’s file submission.
  8. Each criterion and its rating options will be displayed above the student peer grades for the specific criteria. The peer grades awarded for each criteria are displayed in a table. Each criteria rating is given an equivalent numerical value (5 - 0) for the purposes of the peer assessment calculation, and peer grades are displayed in the table by their numerical value. Each student is listed in the left column and the peer grades they have awarded their peers are displayed in the row next to their name. The peer grades awarded to each individual student are displayed in the columns. 
  9. Select Justifications to expand the section. If students have provided justification for the peer grades they have awarded, their comments will be displayed.
  10. Select Tutor grading to expand the section.Tutor grading expanded. Group grade of 72 awarded to group
    Enter a group grade in the Group grade out of 100 field. The group grade can be a whole number or can include a fractional part of a number after a decimal point. Select Save changes to reveal the feedback fields.
  11. Add feedback in the Feedback to group text box, if required.
  12. Upload a Feedback file in the Feedback files field, if required. 
  13. To apply the grade and feedback to all group members, select Save changes
  14. Select Peer Assessment in the Contextual Navigation menu in the red bar at the top of the screen to return to the Peer Assessment summary page and repeat steps 5 - 13 for subsequent groups.
  15. Follow step 5 above and select Tutor grading to view a table displaying a calculated grade for each student, based on:
    • their relative contribution score calculated from the peer grades,
    •  their calculated grade based on the group grade and the relative contribution score, rounded to 2 decimal places
    • any penalty applied for non-completion of the peer assessment grading,
    • each student’s final weighted grade, rounded to 2 decimal places.
  16. If any student’s final grade needs to be revised, a Revised grade can be entered for each student in the box beside their grades in the table. The revised grade will override their final weighted grade. 
  17. When grading is complete, return to the Peer Assessment summary screen and select Release all grades for all groups. The students will now be able to access their grades and feedback from the Peer Assessment link and from the Grades and Feedback report.


Export peer grading calculations and results for a group

The most useful time to Export the grading calculations and results for a group is after the Peer Assessment has been graded.

To download the peer grading calculations and results as a spreadsheet:

  1. Select the Peer Assessment activity.
  2. To export calculations and results for an individual group, select the cog icon next to the group and select Export.
  3. To download the grades for all groups, select Export all group grades under the Peer Assessment summary table.
  4. A spreadsheet will download to your computer which you can open in Microsoft Excel.

Override individual peer grades after grading

In some circumstances you may need to override peer grades given by students.

To override student peer grades, follow the process below.

  1. Select the Peer Assessment activity.
  2. Select the name of the group which contains the student whose peer grade(s) you need to override.
  3. Select Peer submission and grades to expand the section. 
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the section, past the peer grades awarded for each student.Select option next to Override peer grades given by:
  5. Select Select to the right of Override peer grades given by.
  6. Select the student who awarded the peer grades you need to change from the list.
  7.  You will now see the grades given by that student for each criteria and for each student. Scroll down to the relevant criteria and the grade given to the required student. Under the grade given, check the box next to Overridden to make the grade editable.
  8. Select the dropdown menu next to the peer grade given and select the revised peer grade from the list.
  9. Add the reason for the override in the Comments box.
  10. Repeat steps 6 - 9 for any other peer grades you need to override in the same group, or repeat steps 2 - 10 to amend any peer grades given by students in other groups on the module.
  11. Select Save changes.

To view overridden grades

  1. Select the name of the group from the Peer Assessment summary page. 
  2. Select Peer submission and grades to expand the section.
  3. Scroll down to table of peer grades for the relevant criteria. The table will include the latest grades. Any grades that have been overridden from a student's original grade will have an 'i' in a black circle next to the grade. Hover over the 'i' to view the Overridden peer grade originally given by the student, and the reason provided for overriding the grade. If a peer grade had not previously been awarded, the Overridden peer grade will be displayed as None.
    New peer grade with overridden peer grade and comment revealed by hovering over the 'i'.
  4. Select Tutor grading to expand the section.Revised Final weighted grade with the Grade before overrides revealed by hovering over the 'i'.
  5. After adding grade overrides, the final weighted grade for each affected student will also display an 'i' next to the revised grade. Hover over the 'i' next to the re-calculated grade to reveal the Grade before overrides.



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