This page provides an overview of how to mark Peer Assessment submissions and how to export a group's calculated grades and feedback.
Some things to consider regarding the Moodle Peer Assessment activity:
The peer assessment activity automatically hides grades from students to ensure they all receive their grades and feedback at the same time. Once grading is complete and grades have been released through the Peer Assessment activity (see step 17 below), the students will be able to access their grades and feedback from the Peer Assessment link and from the Grades and Feedback report.
If revisions are made to grades after they been released, revisions will be immediately available to students. To prevent students having access to revised grades, you should hide the grade in the Grader report.
If changes are made to the group structure of one or more groups on a module after a peer assessment has been graded, grades of all existing group members will be recalculated by the peer assessment activity. To update the grades for existing group members in the grader report, return to the peer assessment summary page, open the submission grading page for each affected group and click Save changes.
To download the peer grading calculations and results as a spreadsheet:
In some circumstances you may need to override peer grades given by students.
To override student peer grades, follow the process below.