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Pilot role and plugins guide

Find out more about the additional features and functions you can use with the Pilot role in Moodle.


The workflow for the Workshop module has five phases. The typical workshop activity can cover days or even weeks. You can switch the activity from one phase to another.

The typical workshop follows a straight path:

  • Setup phase → Submission phase → Assessment phase → Grading Evaluation phase → Closed

However, an advanced recursive path is also possible.

The progress of the activity is visualised in the Workshop planner tool. It displays all Workshop phases and highlights the current one. It also lists all the tasks the user has in the current phase with information on whether the task is finished or not yet finished or even failed.


Setup phase

In this initial phase, students cannot do anything. Lecturers use this phase to change Workshop settings, modify the grading strategy or tweak assessment forms. You can switch to this phase any time you need to change the Workshop settings and prevent users from modifying their work.

Submission phase

In the submission phase, students submit their work. Access control dates (linked to conditional activities) can be set so that when the Workshop is in this phase, submitting is restricted to the given time frame only. You can specify submission start date (and time) and submission end date (and time).

Assessment phase

If the Workshop uses the peer assessment feature, this is the phase when Workshop participants assess the submissions allocated to them for review. As in the submission phase, access can be controlled by specified date and time from when and/or until when the assessment is allowed.

Grading evaluation phase

The major task during this phase is to calculate the final grades for submissions and for assessments, and provide feedback for authors and reviewers. Students cannot modify their submissions or their assessments in this phase. Lecturers can manually override the calculated grades. Also, selected submissions can be set as published so they become available to all students in the next phase.

Close workshop

Whenever the Workshop is being switched into this phase, the final grades calculated in the previous phase are pushed into the module's Grades. Students may view their submissions, their submission assessments and eventually other published submissions in this phase.

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