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Create narrated PowerPoint guide

This guide will explain how to make a narrated powerpoint.

Screencast: Create narrated PowerPoint

Check Record Slide Show tab is available

Open your presentation and check you have the Record Slide Show tab. 

  • To get access to the recording tab open an existing or new presentation in PowerPoint, select File then Options.
  • Choose Customise Ribbon in the menu on the left, then tick the box which says Recording and select OK.
  • You should now have a new tab in the Ribbon. You only need to do this once. The tab will remain in the Ribbon in the future until you switch it off.


Record Narrated PowerPoint on Windows PC

  1. FRecord from beginning selected in Record slide showrom the recording tab, choose Record Slide Show, then Record from Beginning... or Record from Current Slide... This will put you in record mode.
  2. To begin recording, select the red circular Record button in the top left corner of the screen. The program will count down from 3 and begin recording audio. Any transitions, animations or annotations you make will be recorded too.
  3. To navigate between slides, select the left and right arrows.
  4. You can draw on the screen by selecting the pen or highlighter icon at the bottom of the screen.
  5. To pause the recording, select the Pause button.
  6. Once you're finished recording, press Escape, the grey stop button, or select the x in the top right corner of the screen.
    • To let show there is some audio recorded, a blue Play button will become active and a small speaker icon will appear in the bottom right of the slide.
  7. Replay to check your slides and audio are aligned and if necessary you can re record a slide.
    • To clear audio, select the X button and choose whether to delete audio from Current Slide or All Slides. Caution: Deleting audio is irreversible.

    PowerPoint in record mode

  8. Save your presentation as a .pptx file.
  9. Save and export your recording to create the video file. Go to File, Export and choose Video or MP4 as your format.
    • Note: it may take a few minutes to create your video.
  10. Upload your video file to MediaSpace and add as a Video Resource to your Moodle module.

Record Narrated PowerPoint on Mac

This example was created using MS Office PowerPoint 16.3 and a MacBook with OS Catalina. The Mac version has some differences, no countdown (use pause and rewind) and no webcam access.

  1. Open your presentation and check you have the optimal settings for making a narrated presentation.
  2. In the Transitions tab, uncheck On Mouse Click, check After and leave number of seconds unchanged, select Apply to All.

  3. In the Slide Show Tab you can check to use subtitles or these can be added at a later step in MediaSpace. 
  4. Select the small arrow at the side of Record Slide Show, here you can start your recording and also Clear Narration on one or all slides. 

    • Be aware there is no countdown on the Mac version, so as soon as you select Record Slide Show it will commence, however you can stop and rewind in the top left hand corner. It is recommended to do this and then prepare to speak.
  5. To share with a wide audience and on Moodle you need to export as a a video. In the File menu, choose to Export and then choose MP4 from the File Format menu. The file will be saved with the extension .mp4. The export process may take a few minutes depending on the length of the presentation, you need to keep your presentation open while this takes place.

  6. Upload your video file to MediaSpace and add as a Video Resource to your Moodle module.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License