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Add multimedia to Moodle guide

Explore how to create Video Resource in your module and how to embed content from external repositories.

About Video Resource

The Video Resource enables you to quickly add any of your Kaltura MediaSpace video and audio resources to Moodle modules for students to access. This includes presentations and demonstrations created using Kaltura Capture.

The multimedia content is presented in a player and students can switch on and off captions and a transcript to accompany the recording.

There are two different workflows presented for creating a Video Resource.

  1. When you want to add a Video Resource and the video file is not yet uploaded to MediaSpace.
  2. When you want to add a Video Resource and the video file is uploaded to MediaSpace.

Supported file types

The Video Resource allows you to upload all common file types for video, audio and images.

Some of the common types are:

  • Video: mp4, mpg, m4v, mov, flv, avi, wmv
  • Audio: mp3, wav, aiff, m4a, wma
  • Image: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp

Add Video Resource (when video not already in MediaSpace)

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. In your Moodle module, open the section where you want the resource to display.
  3. Select Add an activity or resource. Select Video Resource from the Resources or Recommended tabs.
  4. Provide a meaningful Name.
  5. Provide a Description and check the box Display the description on module page.
  6. From the Video setting, select Add media button.


  1. You will be redirected to Kaltura MediaSpace which will display in a pop-up Window. Select Add New to open the menu.
  2. Select Media upload from the top right of the screen.
  3. On the next screen, select Choose a file to upload.
  1. Your computer will open a file explorer. Navigate to the file you want to upload and double-click to select it.
  2. You do not need to enter any information on this page; select Save and embed from the top-right of the page to add the file as a Video Resource.

  3. You will be reverted back to the Moodle module, select Save and display to view the Video Resource.

Add Video Resource (when video uploaded to MediaSpace)

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. In your Moodle module, open the section where you want the resource to display.
  3. Select Add an activity or resource. Select Video Resource from the Resources or Recommended tabs.
  4. Provide a meaningful Name.
  5. Provide a Description and check the box Display description on module page.
  6. From the Video setting, select Add media button.

Name, description and add media button highlighted in add a new video resource settings


  1. You will be redirected to Kaltura MediaSpace which will display in a pop-up Window.
  2. Select My Media.
  3. Locate the video you want to share. You can scroll through your media or use the filter or search functions at the top of the page.
  4. Choose the Select button to the right of the video that you want to add to Moodle.
  5. You will be reverted back to the Moodle module, select Save and display to view the Video Resource.

Restrict access and Activity completion settings

You can use the Restrict access settings to control the availability of content and activities based on one or more conditions, including date and group. 

Activity completion allows you to set completion criteria for a specific activity or resource.

Activities or resources with a completion criteria display a circle next to them in the Module index. The circle turns green (and is filled in) when the student meet the criteria. On the main module page, a tick and the word "done" appears against the item when the student meets the criteria. This helps students manage their progress on a module and staff can easily review student engagement and progress against key activities.

You can combine Restrict access and Activity completion to provide structured pathways through your module.

Apply the settings

  1. Open the activity or resource.
  2. Select Settings from the contextual navigation menu above the module name. This opens the activity settings.
  3. Change the settings required.
  4. Select Save and return to module to save any changes made.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License