Embedding videos within a resource ensures that students can access the relevant video content as they need it. It also provides a more integrated navigation experience as students can review text and video content within the same resource without having to navigate back to the module homepage. You can use the text editor to embed external content into a Moodle resource or activity.
The text editor is used to create the following content types in Moodle:
The text editor is also available from the Description field of activities or resources and within Quiz questions.
Performance & access
Do not embed more than three video files using Label on your module page. Videos embedded via a Label load as the student accesses the module and impact on module load times and performance.
Labels cannot be accessed by students from the Module index. Do not put any learning content into Labels as it might be missed by students navigating using the Module index.
Kaltura MediaSpace has a plugin within the text editor to enable you to embed videos from MediaSpace into resources and activities in Moodle.
You can switch to HTML view within the text editor to embed code from external repositories to display an external video within a resource or activity in Moodle.