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Lecture Capture live streaming guide

Explore how to prepare for and teach with Lecture Capture live streaming.

About Lecture Capture live streaming

Live streaming provides students the flexibility to view the lecture remotely in real-time. Lectures that have live streaming enabled allow students to view the lecture in real-time without being on campus.

These live stream classes are saved as they are being broadcast, meaning students who couldn’t attend/view the lecture live can access the Lecture Capture recording after the live session. 

Any Lecture Capture enabled room can have the live streaming option enabled as part of the Lecture Capture scheduling process.


  • Students cannot interact with voice or webcam.
  • No inbuilt options for group working.
  • No live transcription/captions. An automated transcript is available for Lecture Capture recordings only.
  • Students cannot view or switch between two live stream sources on a mobile device. If the live stream is capturing the video of the lecturer and data display, students will only see one source which seems to default to video of the lecturer. Students must join a live stream with tablet/laptop/desktop.

Related guidance

Live stream and attendance

When can I use Lecture Capture live streaming?

Below are some scenarios where you might want to use Lecture Capture live streaming.

  1. Deliver live lectures and encouraging synchronous participation with students who are studying at a distance. 
  2. Deliver live lectures and encouraging synchronous participation in programmes that are delivered in dual modes.
  3. Deliver teaching events to students, where that event does not form a formal part of the programme. Examples of these include: revision sessions, dissertation preparation sessions. 
  4. Extend the reach of face-to-face workshops by enabling students to participate remotely in academic study skills, Library or Careers workshops. 
  5. Deliver live lectures to a student who is unable to attend university and where live streaming is requested as part of a reasonable adjustment. 
  6. Deliver teaching and encourage participation when international students are studying from their home country due to pandemic restrictions.

How do I request Live Stream for Lecture recordings

Lecture Capture recordings are automatically scheduled for timetabled "lectures" and record the following sources:  

  • Audio (A) 
  • Data Projector (D) 
  • Video Camera (V) 

You can request live stream for automated Lecture Capture recordings via Automated Lecture Capture change of details form on IT Self Service Portal. 

How do I request Lecture Capture live streaming for seminars/tutorials?

  1. Sessions classified as seminars, tutorials and labs will not be scheduled automatically. You can request that these are recorded by completing the Lecture Capture Booking form.
  2. On the Lecture Capture Booking form, under Enable live streaming, check the box Access a live stream of the lecture from Moodle.

Access a live stream of the lecture from Moodle option checked under Enable Live streaming

The option to make the recording available live will be activated as part of the IT scheduling process and students will be able to see, hear and engage with lectures live via the Moodle page.

How does this impact on my teaching?

For the most part, you can carry on teaching as normal. We would recommend having a co-facilitator to facilitate the online student activity during the live session. This is particularly valuable if you are using any of the Echo360 Active Learning Features to engage with students accessing online.

If you are teaching on your own with Lecture Capture live streaming, we'd recommend not using the Active Learning Features. Use Moodle features to help you engage the students.

  1. Set up a Forum in your Moodle modules for students to ask questions which you can review at the break. Alternatively, if you are using Teams for Teaching you can manage questions and discussions in a Teams channel.
  2. Provide access to the PowerPoint and any teaching resources that you will be sharing in advance of the session so that the students accessing remotely can download these and follow along with your presentation.
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