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Lecture Capture live streaming guide

Explore how to prepare for and teach with Lecture Capture live streaming.

Live stream checklist

You must complete steps 1-5 and make the lecture presentation available to students via the Moodle page to make it easier for students accessing online to follow along.

  1. In line with the Student Attendance and Engagement Policy, programmes should make clear to students, via their Programme Handbook, how viewing recordings or attending via livestream, rather than attending in person, will affect measures of attendance and engagement.
  2. For events timetabled as Lectures, request live stream is added to your automated recordings using the Automated Lecture Capture change of details form.
    • For seminars or tutorials book Lecture Capture using the Lecture Capture booking form. Check the box Access a live stream of the lecture from Moodle.
  3. Connect Lecture Capture to Moodle.
  4. Inform students how to access the live stream and remind them that the live stream cannot be accessed via the Echo360 app.
  5. Decide how you are managing your polling. You can use Poll Everywhere for both the online and on campus students to participate. You also have the option of using polling within Echo360. If using this option, on campus students will also need to open Echo360 via Moodle and select the presentation to participate in the polling questions.

Related guidance

Echo360 Q&A

The below steps are only applicable if you are planning for online students to ask questions via Echo while joining in the live stream.

  1. Select the link to Lecture Capture from the Module dashboard. If there are more than one Lecture Capture resources added to the module, select the relevant Lecture Capture resource.
    • For modules using Grid format, open the Block drawer, navigate to the Module dashboard block, and select the link to Lecture Capture under Activities. For modules using Grid format, open the Block drawer, navigate to the Activities block, select the link to Lecture Capture. 
  2. The Echo360 Lecture Capture module homepage will open in a new tab displaying all associated recordings and live streams for the module.
  3. Check that Q&A is switched on to ensure that your online students can ask questions. Select Settings at the top of the Echo360 page, select Features from the tabs on the left and check that Q&A is enabled.

Turning on the Q&A feature in Echo Livestream

The screencast below describes how to activate Q&A for Lecture Capture live streaming.

Polling in Echo360

You can use polling within Echo360 to ask questions of students accessing in class and online. You need to add this to the PowerPoint uploaded to the live stream class in Echo360.

  1. Select the link to Lecture Capture from the Module dashboard. If there are more than one Lecture Capture resources added to the module, select the relevant Lecture Capture resource.
    • For new modules using Grid format, open the Block drawer, navigate to the Module dashboard block, and select the link to Lecture Capture under Activities. For  modules using Grid format, open the Block drawer, navigate to the Activities block, select the link to Lecture Capture
  2. Select the link Open in new window. The Echo360 Lecture Capture module homepage will open in a new tab displaying all associated recordings and live streams for the module. These are organised by date and time, with the oldest recording at the top of the list. 
  3. Navigate to the relevant Lecture Capture class and select the + symbol to upload a presentation.

    Adding presentation slides to an Echo recording

  4. Select Add a presentation>>Add slides>>Upload slides.
  5. Navigate to the drive on your computer where the file is saved, select the file and select Upload.

There are five types of Polling questions (also referred to as Activity slides) to choose from in Echo360: Multiple choiceShort answerImage quizOrdered list, and Numerical. To add polls to Echo360, open the link to Lecture Capture from Moodle.

  1. Select the presentation icon in the relevant class. Select Edit presentation>>OK
  2. Select Add poll and select the relevant question type.
  3. Drag and drop the questions into the slide deck.
  4. Character Limitations Echo360: Activity slide Questions are limited to a maximum of 1000 characters. Student justifications currently have no character limit. Short answer responses are capped at 60k (60,000) characters.

Workshop recording: Prepare and teach with Lecture Capture live stream

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