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Prepare for new academic year guide

Get ready for the new academic year with our preparation guide.

About Import

Module activities and resources can be imported from a source module to a destination module by a lecturer or course officer who is enrolled on both the source and destination modules. The Import feature allows you to control what content and resources you import and you can import content from more than one module.

Importing blocks leads to duplicated blocks on your destination module as a number of blocks are added by default to new modules. Importing Turnitin Assignments or other activities with Turnitin enabled can break the activity.

Tip when importing some content from a section

The Import feature requires you to import each section containing a resource or activity that you want to import, and will merge those sections into existing sections in your destination module. It will also add the same number of sections in your destination module that are available in the source module.

If you are planning on only importing some content, duplicate the resources and activities you want to import and move them into an unused section at the top of the source module. This will ensure that you do not get additional empty sections in your destination module.

Use the Import feature to import the duplicated content. This will make it easier to find the copied content and will prevent any unwanted content such as section summaries from being added to the destination module.

How To Import

Step 1: Access Import

  • Navigate to the module that you want to import the activity or resource into.
  • From the contextual navigation menu above the module name, select More > Module Reuse
  • Ensure that Import is selected from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Select a module to import from

  • The modules from 2023/24 onwards that you are enrolled on will display. Copies of all modules from 2022/23 you are enrolled on will also display. If the module that you want to import content from does not display, then type the name of the module into the input field at the end of the page and select Search.
  • Select the relevant module to import content from.
  • Select Continue.

If you need to import a module from an academic year before 2022-23 or from a PlaySpace, please log a Generic Service Request on IT Self Service Portal and IT can restore the module for you on Moodle 4.

Step 3: Backup settings

  • Ensure include activities and resources is selected.
  • Ensure Include content bank content is selected if are importing H5P content.
  • Deselect blocks (your module will already have blocks and you don't want to duplicate them).
  • Deselect calendar events (you don't want to include old Calendar events).
  • Deselect groups and groupings if you are not using the same names for the groups in the new module. Please note: if you are importing a Group Choice activity, you must ensure this option is selected, otherwise your activity will not work in th enew module.
  • Deselect filters (Filters will be available in your new module).
  • Select Next.

Step 4: Select content to import

  • Select the content to Import. If you only want to import some content, select None at the top of the page and select the relevant sections or content to import.
  • If you want to include/exclude a whole section select/deselect the section name in bold at the top of each group of activities and resources.
  • Deselect News Forum, content creating using the External tool configuration including Lecture Capture and any Turnitin assignments (or Moodle or Forums that have the Turnitin plugin enabled).
  • Select Next.

Step 5: Perform import and review and reorganise

  • Review what you have selected and select Perform import.
  • Select Continue.
  • Your import will be complete and you can start reorganising and updating your module.
  • Your imported content may end up within an existing section on your destination module. Use CTRL+F to search for the name of the content to find it within the module.
  • Remember to update the due dates of any assessment activities that you have imported and to check the settings to ensure they meet requirements within your destination module.
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