This page provides suggestions on how to induct students to Moodle. Inducting students to their online learning environment can help you set expectations about how technology will be used to support students' learning. Getting students online at the start of a programme also provides you with opportunities to troubleshoot any initial access problems. Refer students to IT Self Service Portal to resolve technical issues impacting on access or to their course officer to investigate enrolment issues.
Explain to students how you expect them to engage with the online and the in-class activities.You could consider the following:
There is a specific guide on Navigate Moodle 4 that will be useful to new and returning students. This is available from the Student EdtechGuides.
The student Educational Technology Guidance pages contain guidance on all common tasks that students are likely to undertake on Moodle. There is guidance on how to submit assignments, access grades and feedback, take part in quizzes and much more.
Provide activities for students to participate in at the beginning of the induction. This can help move the focus from information transmission and encourage students to find the information for themselves on Moodle.
Animation from Academic Skills team with tips for students on how Lecture Capture can help before, during and after lectures.
The following are the most Frequently Asked Questions from students accessing Moodle during the Induction period.