A Lecture Capture live streamed lecture allows students to participate in a face-to-face lecture on campus and enables students who are not on campus to watch a lecture online in real time. Live streaming is supported on the most recent versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.
Live stream does not work on mobile devices
We recommend that you attend a live stream with a desktop, laptop or tablet device. If you have to join on a mobile browser, change to landscape display in order to access and view the live stream. Please note you will not be able to view both the lecturer and the content displayed on screen. Only one of the video sources will display and this cannot be changed via a mobile browser.
Live stream does not work on the Echo360 mobile app.
Supported browsers for Mac
If you are viewing Lecture Capture recordings on a Mac device with Safari, you will need to change some settings in your browser. The Echo360 guidance page provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Please use the latest version of a browser when accessing Lecture Capture. Further information is available in the Echo360 recommended browser guidance page.
As you listen to the lecture, you can take notes online using the Notes icon on the top of the recording.
You can bookmark sections to make them easy to go back to when you watch the recording.
If other active learning features have been enabled, your lecturers will communicate with you on how to use these features. You will see a toolbar along the top of the live stream that you are viewing.
You may be asked to respond to embedded Poll questions within the PowerPoint.
Additionally you might be asked questions via the Discussion panel.
While on campus, your lectures may be streamed to students who are accessing online. You may be asked to write your questions into a Moodle Forum or you may be asked to interact with the live stream on campus.