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Participate in live online lectures guide

Explore the Virtual Classrooms available and how to participate in live online lectures.

What is hybrid teaching?

Hybrid teaching lets students who are both on campus and online take part in the same live session. Academic staff present online using Zoom or Teams. A camera broadcasts the academic and microphones pick up the speech of staff and students on campus for those online.

Technical tips for students

Tips for online students

  • Test out the Zoom/Teams software in advance of the session.
  • Use a headset/earphones to reduce feedback through your speakers or any background noise.
  • Turn off your microphone when not speaking
  • Use the hand raise option available in Zoom or Teams to attract attention. 
  • If you speak or presenting to the class, un-mute your microphone and turn on your camera if possible.
  • If using a webcam, ensure appropriate lighting and dress, and limit distractions. Apply a virtual background to protect your privacy.
  • If you are sharing your screen, make sure only relevant windows are open. 

Tips for on-campus students

  • It's advisable to bring a phone, laptop, iPad or tablet with headset or earphones with built-in microphone.
  • Please be aware that that any questions you ask or any discussions you hold in the session will be recorded.
  • Please be aware that the you may be recorded by the cameras in the room. If you do not want to be recorded, discuss with the academic staff which area of the room is not picked up by the cameras.


What does a hybrid room contain?

  • Academic staff use a control panel to select Zoom/Teams and a choice of camera view for the online audience. 
  • A second camera shows a view of the students in class to those online.
  • A large display screen shows the gallery view of Zoom/Teams and chat window to those in class. 
  • Ceiling microphones pick up the contributions from the student in the class.

Who are Co-pilots?

Co-pilots are students employed by the University and assigned to a module. They assist academic staff  in running live sessions. Co-pilots may be postgraduate or undergraduate students interested in gaining experience by observing teaching or learning new content. 

Co-pilots may co-facilitate activities including:

  • Monitoring the chat 
  • Managing breakout rooms 
  • Managing other technologies such as polls or sending out links in the chat
  • Assisting in monitoring live and online group work 

Please note: Co-pilots are not IT or AV experts. 

Benefits and challenges for students


  • Hybrid teaching lets academic staff ensure all students can participate fully and equally in learning simultaneously.
  • Students are more able to participate as attendance mode can be flexible.
  • Students can continue to participate in a module even if they cannot consistently attend in person. This is helpful when students may have different health and safety needs and/or commuting constraints. 
  • Students can access to the widest range of learning resources. Students have more opportunities to learn in ways suitable to different educational needs and learning preferences  
  • Students also develop stronger digital skills and independent study capabilities.  


  • This type of teaching is unfamiliar to students. Time and effort is needed to adjust to this form of learning.
  • There are different ways of participating depending on whether students are in-person or remote. 
  • It takes time to get used to what the cameras and microphones in the hybrid room pick up. 
  • Students need some type of device - ideally a laptop - to fully participate in live sessions, either in-person or remotely.
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