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Participate in live online lectures guide

Explore the Virtual Classrooms available and how to participate in live online lectures.

About Teams Meetings

Teams Meetings is one of the platforms used at the University to deliver online lectures, seminars and meetings with your lecturers, supervisors and classmates. The links to your Teams lectures and seminars will be provided in the relevant Moodle modules and/or Teams channels.

Before you start, download Teams Desktop or Teams mobile app.

Join a Teams meeting from Desktop

Teams meetings are best when you join them from the Teams app and there's a bunch of ways to join, depending on what type of meeting you're attending—read on for details about joining by link, from your calendar, and more. If you can't use the app or the web interface, some meetings let you call in using a phone number.

Join a Teams meeting from mobile

There are many ways to join a Teams meeting from a mobile device.  Watch this video for a quick overview of joining a Teams meeting on mobile.

Note: If you're in a Teams meeting on your mobile device, the device's screen won't turn off if you don't navigate away from the meeting window (or if you navigate away but come back before it turns off). If you turn off your screen during a meeting, you'll stay connected but the device will lock.

Switch on captions in Teams Meetings

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License