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Poll Everywhere student guide

This guide explains how to use PollEverywhere

Participate in polls on campus

To participate, you need to be connected to the Internet, or vote by texting. To learn how to connect to Eduroam, if responding while on campus, please review the Eduroam guide.

When your lecturer asks a question with Poll Everywhere, you will see instructions on how to vote:

If you are connected to the Internet, on your device:

  • Open your browser or download the Poll Everywhere app from Google Play or the App Store.
  • Go to the web address displayed by your lecturer (for example, or /Lecturer) or scan the QR code displayed.
  • Respond to the poll
  • Please note that clickable image polls do not support keyboard methods to reply.

If you're voting by text message:

  • Text the keyword to the text number provided in the slide displayed by your lecturer.
  • Text the option letter you want to vote on (A, B, C, etc.).
  • Each text will be the price of a text message, or free if you have a message package.

Participate in polls in online classrooms

Respond to Poll Everywhere in Teams

Please note: You can only respond to Poll Everywhere polls within a Teams meeting if you join the meeting in the Teams app. If you join the meeting in a Teams on a browser, you must respond to polls in a separate browswer window or using the Poll Everywhere app.

Responding to Poll Everywhere in Teams on a laptop or desktop computer

  • Join the Teams meeting.
  • When the presenter launches the polls, select the Poll Everywhere icon on the menu bar. This will open a separate panel
  • Respond to the poll.

Teams meeting menu

Responding to Poll Everywhere in Teams on a mobile device

  1. Join the Teams meeting.
  2. When the presenter launches the polls, select More Options.
  3. Select Apps.
  4. Select Poll Everywhere.
  5. The poll will open and the meeting window will be minimised
  6. Respond to the poll(s) and select the main meeting window to return to the usual meeting view.

Respond to Poll Everywhere in Zoom

You have to respond to Poll Everywhere polls in a separate browser to your Zoom meeting.

  1. Open your browser or download the Poll Everywhere app from Google Play or the App Store.
  2. Go to the web address displayed by your lecturer (for example, or /Lecturer).
  3. Choose the option you believe is correct.
  4. Please note that clickable image polls do not support keyboard methods to reply.

Create a Poll Everywhere account

You do not have to create a Poll Everywhere account to respond to most polls however you may have to or want to create an account if:

  • Your lecturer restricts poll responses to registered users only
  • You want to be able to view your response history.

To create your account, go to and select Registration from the menu on the left.

When prompted, enter your email address and select Log in with City, University of London.

Enter your password.

Complete the MFA with your chosen method.

Poll Everywhere registration page

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License