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Peer Assessment using forums, database and workshop guide

Explore the options available for peer assessment activities and assessment in Moodle.

Peer assessment activity

The Peer Assessment activity is a specially developed assignment which combines a group assignment submission with peer grading.

For this activity, peer grading refers to the ability for students to assess the performance/contribution of their peer group and, if enabled, themselves in relation to a group task.

The group task component of the activity is submitted as a file.

The peer grading component consists of each student assessing each of their peers against three or more written critieria. Each written criteria translates to a number during the calculation which provides the student's overall grade for the peer assessment activity. In addition, students may be asked to write additional comments per peer or per criteria for each peer to justify their peer grades.

For detailed guidance, see the Peer Assessment activity guide.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License