Peer assessment is the assessment of students' work by their peers against set assessment criteria.
In general, there are two types of peer assessments:
In either case, self-assessment may be included as part of peer assessment. Self-assessment requires students to reflect on their own work and judge how well they have performed in relation to the assessment criteria. Developing reflective skills provides students with the ability to consider their own performance and to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas that require improvement. Students can then use this knowledge to influence their future work, whether on a programme of study or in employment.
It is crucial that at the outset, students understand the purpose of peer assessment and how their performance will be assessed.
Listed below are some considerations to ensure the right peer assessment option is selected.
The purpose of using peer assessment needs to be communicated clearly to both students and colleagues so that they know what is expected of them and the learning benefits of the peer assessment exercise.
Team contribution, student work or combination of both.
In-class / Take-home. Marking in class has the advantage in that it can help students to develop a wider range of communication skills, allow their work to be shared with the rest of the class, and enable them to receive immediate feedback.
There are three options for students to assess their peers' contribution to the group work. Each has pros and cons.
There are three options for students to assess their peers' coursework. Each has pros and cons.
Criteria | Forum | Workshop | Peer Assessment |
Allow assessment of peer contribution to the group work? | Yes | No | Yes |
Allow assessment of peer work (provision of grade)? | Yes | Yes | No |
Allow assessment of peer work (provision of feedback)? | Yes | Yes | No |
Allow self-assessment (provision of grade)? | No | Yes | No |
Allow self-assessment (provision of feedback)? | No | Yes | No |
Allow assessment by teacher? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Allow users to input their own formula for calculating the final assessment grade? | No | No | No |
Allow in-class and online peer review? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Allow auto allocation of work to students for peer marking? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Allow manual allocation of work to students for peer marking? | Yes | Yes | No |
Allow provision of marking criteria/rubric to students for marking? | Yes | Yes | No |
Allow integration of peer marks to Moodle gradebook? | No | Yes | Yes |
Allow integration of teacher marks to Moodle gradebook? | No | Yes | Yes |
Allow integration of peer feedback to Moodle gradebook? | No | No | No |
Allow integration of teacher feedback to Moodle gradebook? | No | No | Yes |
Allow auto allocation of marks to students for undertaking self-assessment and peer review? | No | Yes | No |
Allow completed peer mark and feedback to be returned to student authors automatically? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Allow anonymous peer marking? | Yes | Yes | No |
Allow peer marking of off-line assignments? | Yes | No | No |
Allow teachers to export all peer feedback in a read-friendly format? | No | No | Yes |
Allow non-numeric grading, for example, poor/fair/good/excellent? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Send reminder notification to students when peer marking period starts? | No | No | No |