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Live online teaching guide

Explore the options available for live online teaching.

About HUE HD Pro

The HUE HD Pro camera can be used as a visualiser or whiteboard during your live online teaching sessions.

Share the HUE in Zoom

  1. In your Zoom meeting, select Share Screen from the meeting toolbar.
  2. A pop-up will display  to choose your inputs. Choose Advanced.
  3. Select Content from 2nd camera and select Share and the screen will display the output from the HUE camera.

    Zoom advanced sharing menu opened

  4. Zoom may default to the main camera. Should this happen, the option to Switch cameras will display in the top left corner.

Workshop: Use the HUE as a visualiser in Zoom

Tips and tricks

  1. Find a comfortable position to write, and then work the camera around your hand.
  2. You'll have to experiment to find the correct length/distance from camera. The Hue HD Pro plus supports up to A4 and also has an adjustable focus lens.
  3. Keep a steady camera. The HUE comes with a base and the neck can be moved around. Once you find a good set-up, try to keep this constant.
  4. Use blank/plain paper where possible. It's easier for students to see whatever you're writing out if you use clear paper.
  5. Avoid sunlight. If you put the paper in sunlight, it won't be picked up by the camera. Ink will be blocked out.
  6. When you're writing out long equations, try to say the equation out loud. This way, the students can understand what the formula is. This also helps to make subscripts, superscripts and Greek signs etc clearer.
  7. Try to use clear notation. One example would be dy/dx is a lot clearer than x with a dot on top, even though they both show the same thing.
  8. Try to use contrasting colours. If using white printer paper, using green ink won't show very well, but black ink will.
  9. The HUE HD Pro does have a light for low light level conditions, however, the farther out you go, the less effective it becomes!

Use the HUE with Kaltura Capture

While the HUE HD Pro is normally used for synchronous sessions (Zoom etc), it can also be used for asynchronous recordings. The steps below will show you to how to do this using with both a video camera (yourself) and the visualiser output (the HUE HD Pro).

  1. Log into Mediaspace, and select Add New and then Kaltura Capture.
  2. Wait for the program to load.
  3. Under Camera, select your Primary camera (the one you are using to record your face).

    Camera menu opened and primary camera selected

  4. Under Screen, select Hue HD Pro Camera. Notice how the Screen title changes to Camera.

    Screen menu opened and Hue selected

  5. Select the round red button to record.
  6. When you’re recording, a small preview can be found on the screen to help you ensure that the paper you’re using is within shot of the camera. Please note: This can’t be expanded, so ensure you do some test recordings to find the optimal setup.

    Input from Hue displaying a piece of paper with writing

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