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Create Video Assignment guide

The Video Assignment activity in Moodle allows students to submit coursework in video or audio format. This guide explores how to create and grade a Video Assignment.

About the assignment go-live checklist

Review the short list of key settings in Moodle to check before making assessment submission points available to students.

The checklist is based on frequently report issues experienced by students when submitting assignments, and by staff when providing grades and feedback.

Many of these problems can be difficult or impossible to resolve after submission have been made, but can be easily avoided by checking key settings when creating assignments.


Due date is within office hours.

Students have guidance on what to do if something goes wrong

Course office or module leader contact details are available

If access to the assignment is restricted before the opening date, you have checked on the day that it’s accessible.
If the submission point is on a separate module, the module is available to students.
A separate submission point has been set up for students with extensions/extra time.
Separate submission points for students with extensions/extra time are hidden from other students with User Profile Restrictions and not groups.
There is not a requirement to download video submissions. Videos submitted to the Video assignment are only viewable online and cannot be downloaded.
Include a statement in the assessment specifications/papers and any relevant handbooks to clarify to students whether generative AI is permitted and if so, how it is permitted.


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License