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Create Video Assignment guide

The Video Assignment activity in Moodle allows students to submit coursework in video or audio format. This guide explores how to create and grade a Video Assignment.

About text editor feedback

If you have multiple markers responsible for grading the submissions or you need a text editor to format your feedback, you can provide feedback via the text editor. 

Hide the Grade Item

You must hide the individual assignment grade item while you are marking to ensure that marks and feedback are released at the same time to all students. To do this:

  1. Select Grades in the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  2. Select the Grader Report drop-down menu from the left of the screen and choose Gradebook setup.
  3. Select the Edit link on the same row as the name of the grade item you are marking.
  4. Select Hide.

Open the Video Assignment

  1. Select the video assignment that you want to grade.
  2. Choose Grade submissions from the overview page.

Access the Grades submission page

Select the link to Grade on the right-hand side of the page to view the first student's submission.

This opens the Grade submissions page. This provides information about when the student's assignment was submitted. Select the Preview button to display the student's video submission. Select the Play button to review the video submission.

Grade submissions for student 1 who submitted on 10th July


Add Grades and Feedback

The second half of the Grade submissions page provides a drop-down menu for the Grade and an input field for Feedback comments.
Note: the maximum available mark is defined in the Video Assignment settings.


Save and grade next assignment

Select Save changes to return to the Submission inbox to select the next student's assignment.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License