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Create Video Assignment guide

The Video Assignment activity in Moodle allows students to submit coursework in video or audio format. This guide explores how to create and grade a Video Assignment.

About Video Assignment

This page will show you how to set up an individual video assignment.

The Video Assignment activity in Moodle allows students to submit in one of three multimedia formats: upload a video; record a screencast; or record video using a webcam. Ensure that you specify the appropriate format when you give students the assignment brief. 

Create Video Assignment activity

  1. Turn Edit Mode on.
  2. Open the relevant section and Add an activity or resource. Select Video Assignment from the Activities tab.
  3. In the General settings:
    • Write a meaningful Assignment name. This is the name that will be displayed on the module page and also in the Grader Report.
    • In Description, provide clear instructions to your students about the assignment including the file format expected. It is not possible to display the description on the module page.
    • Choose when to make the assignment Available to students to submit.
    • Choose when the Due Date - deadline for submission - is. This will display on the module page and on student's Moodle Timeline.
    • Prevent late submissions: Default is No. This means that students are able to submit once the deadline has passed but the fact that they were late will be highlighted in the Submissions area.
    • Allow resubmitting: default is No. We recommend that this is changed to Yes to allow students to replace files during the submission window.
    • Email alerts to teachers: default is No. Changing to Yes will result in email notifications being sent to anyone who has a staff role on the module each time a submission or update is made in the video assignment.
    • Please note, the video assignment activity only allows students to add one submission file.

Grade settings

  1. Grade type: select the type of grade used for the assignment. If Scale is chosen, you can then choose the scale from the Scale drop-down. If using Point grading, you can then enter the maximum grade available for the activity.
  2. Grade Category determines where your assignment will sit within the grades area. To use this, you will first need to set up the categories in the Grader Report. You can find more information on this in our Grader Report guide.

Common module settings

  1. Set the assignment's Availability. Options are:
    • Show the assignment on the course page.
    • Hide the assignment on the course page.
    • Make available but not shown on module page (students will still be able to access the assignment from the module Activities section of the Dashboard).
  2. Leave the Group mode setting on No groups to make sure this is an individual assignment.

Restrict access and Activity completion settings

You can use the Restrict access settings to control the availability of content and activities based on one or more conditions, including date and group. 

Activity completion allows you to set completion criteria for a specific activity or resource. A tick appears against the item when the student meets the criteria. This helps students manage their progress on a module and staff can easily review student engagement and progress against key activities.

You can combine Restrict access and Activity completion to provide structured pathways through your module.

Apply the settings

  1. Open the activity or resource.
  2. Select Settings from the contextual navigation menu above the module name. Scroll to the relevant setting.
  3. Change the settings required.
  4. Select Save and return to module to save any changes made.

Related guidance

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