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Manage resources with Kaltura MediaSpace guide

Explore the features of the University's media delivery platform and how to share your video content externally.

About uploading media to MediaSpace

Although you can upload files up to 2GB we advise you keep them below 300MB. To aid this, consider using Handbrake to reduce their size. Kaltura have produced guidance on how to test your bandwidth with information on how long you should expect to wait for an upload to process with low bandwidth.

How to use Handbrake

Handbrake is a free program for Mac & PC which is used to convert (transcode) videos into highly efficient H.264 .mp4 files. The process can reduce file sizes many times whilst keeping good image and sound quality.

The program can be downloaded at the Handbrake website.

  1. Once downloaded, open the application.
  2. Go to File > Open Source or select the Open Source button on the top bar.
  3. Select your video file.
  4. Open the Presets menu on the top bar and choose Fast 1080p30.
  5. Go to the Video tab. Ensure you have the following settings:
    • Video Encoder: H.264
    • FPS: Same as source
    • Constant Framerate
    • Constant Quality, RF 22
  6. If there is very little action in your video (e.g. a static PowerPoint presentation) then you can change the Framerate (FPS) to 15 or lower to make your files even smaller.
  7. Select Browse to choose a save location and filename for your encoded film.
  8. Go to the Audio tab. Ensure you have the following setting:
    • Bitrate: 192 (or 160).
  9. Select the Add to Queue button on the top bar.
  10. You can repeat steps 2-8 with as many films as you wish.
  11. To encode your videos, select the green Start Encode button on the top bar.
  12. After a little time, your videos will be compressed into .mp4 format. You can then upload these smaller videos to MediaSpace.

Upload media to MediaSpace

 Add New menu opened and Media Upload highlighted

  1. Go to MediaSpace.
  2. Select Guest from the top toolbar and choose Login. Log in using your university credentials.
  3. Select My Media.
  4. Select Add New and choose Media Upload.
  1.  Select Choose a file to upload.
  2. Your computer will open a file explorer. Navigate to the file you want to upload and double-click to select it.
  3. The video will upload. Once done, the progress bar will display an Upload Completed message at the top of the screen.  
  4. You can change the title of the video from the Name field. Remember to select the Save button at the bottom of the screen whenever you make a change.

Set privacy

The default privacy of the video is Private. If required, this setting can be changed now or later on. The options available are:

  1. Private: Only you can access/watch the video.
  2. Unlisted: Anyone with a link can view the video. This includes users who are not staff or students.
  3. Published: The video can be placed into a channel. The channel can have the following settings:
    • Private: Items in a private channel are only available to staff or students who have been specifically added to the channel.
    • Restricted: Staff or students on Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses can access items in a restricted channel.
    • Open: Staff or students on Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses can access items in an open channel, and they can also add items to the channel.

Video conversion

When you have completed the settings, select the Return to My Media button. The new video displays in your list of media. The video needs to be converted into different quality versions for streaming so you may see a graphic showing this is underway. One this automatic process is done, the graphic will disappear and the video can be played.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License