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Manage resources with Kaltura MediaSpace guide

Explore the features of the University's media delivery platform and how to share your video content externally.

About video thumbnail

The thumbnail for your video is automatically generated to give it a visual identity, but you can replace the thumbnail.

Replace video thumbnail

  1. Login to MediaSpace or login to Moodle.
  2. In Moodle, select the link to Utilities from the top navigation menu. Select My Media.
  3. Select the video thumbnail to open the Video.
  4. Under the video, to the right, select the ACTIONS menu to open it.
  5. Select Edit

Action menu opened and Edit highlighted

  1. Select the Thumbnails tab. You have three options to replace the thumbnail.
    • Upload Thumbnail: You can upload your own image file to use as a thumbnail.
    • Capture:  Move the play head to a suitable position in your video and press the Capture button. The thumbnail will be set to the current video frame.
    • Auto Generate:  A set of thumbnails will be generated from the video and you can choose from one of them.

Thumbnails tab opened and displaying options for replacing thumbnail on video

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License