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Submit Turnitin Assignment guide

This guide will explain how to submit a Turnitin assignment

Time required to submit your assignment

It can take time for your file to be uploaded to Moodle and for it to be processed by Turnitin. This can be anywhere from a couple of minutes to up to 30 minutes per file, depending on the size and format of your file and your connection speed. Ensure you leave yourself adequate time to successfully submit your assignment, especially if you are submitting multiple large files.

Screencast: Submit a Turnitin Assignment

Submit coursework to Turnitin

Before you start working on your Turnitin assignment, review all relevant documentation and instructions related to the assessment.

  1. Select the Turnitin Assignment from the relevant section of your module.
    • Alternatively, select the Turnitin link in your Module dashboard to open a list of all your Turnitin Assignments.
    • If you are accessing on a module where the sections are organised as Grids, open the Block drawer on the right. Select the link to Turnitin Assignments. Select the relevant assignment to open it.
  2. The My Submissions page opens.
    • Ensure you read the Summary which will contain assignment instructions.
    • The Start Date is when the assignment opens, the Due Date is the deadline for your assignment.
    • The Post Date is the date on which your feedback and grades will be released in Turnitin and be available from the Grades link in the secondary navigation menu.
    • Some assignments may have a marking rubric attached to provide feedback that highlights your strengths and areas for development against the assignment criteria. You can view this rubric by selecting the icon under Marks Available.
  3. Select the Submit Paper icon.

My Submissions page in Moodle showing a two part assignment

  1. A new window will display on top of your Moodle page. In Submission Title enter the title for the piece of work you are submitting. If you do not add a title you will not be able to submit your assignment.
  2. To submit your assignment you can simply drag and drop your assignment file(s) from your computer desktop or file manager.  Alternatively, you can use the manual method by selecting the Add icon on the top left of the File to Submit field.
  3.  Check the box alongside the submission statement.
  4. Select the Add Submission button.

    Mid term coursework uploaded to File to submit area and titled.

  5. A message Uploading your submission to Turnitin will display. This will close after a few seconds and you will be presented with a digital receipt on successful submission.
  6. Select Close on the receipt and you will have access to Digital ReceiptSubmission TitleTurnitin Paper ID and Submitted time. If you want to check your assignment submission select the download submission icon.
  7. You will also receive a notification to your university email inbox that the submission has been submitted. Your full digital receipt can be viewed and printed from the Turnitin Submission Inbox.
  8. If you are required to submit more than one file, select Part 2 to submit the second part of your assignment.

Confirm submission

 You must confirm that you can open the file(s) and that you submitted the correct file(s). 

  1. Return to the module homepage. 
  2. Select the Assignment. My Submissions page will open. 
  3. Select the download icon to the right of the submission to download the file. 
  4. If it is a multipart assignment, select each Part tab on the My Submissions page and download each file in turn. 

If there is an issue with the file, you may be able to replace the coursework file prior to the deadline

If you do not have an option to replace the file, then contact your Course Officer. 

Add file to submission point

To submit your assignment, you can simply drag and drop your assignment file(s) from your computer desktop or file manager. 

  1. Open windows explorer to navigate to your files (right click on Start and select Explorer).
  2. Navigate to the drive on which the file is saved.
  3. Resize the explorer window, so that the browser and the Moodle module are visible.
  4. Select and hold on the relevant file that you want to upload to Moodle and drag it into the file submissions box.
  5. Drop your file onto into the box by releasing the selection. This may take a few moments so please be patient.
  6. The file will appear in the File to Submit input field when it has been uploaded.

You can use the manual method by selecting the Add icon, the grey button above 'Files', on the top left of the upload tool.

  1. Once you have selected the Add icon a File picker window will open.
  2. Ensure Upload a file is selected. Select Choose File.
  3. Browse to the drive on your computer where your file is saved. Select the file that you want to upload.
  4. Select Open.
  5. You will be brought back to your assignment submission area and the file will appear in the File to Submit field.
  6. Select Add submission.
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