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Podium guide

All learning spaces on Moorgate and Clerkenwell campuses are equipped with a podium to facilitate the delivery of teaching and presentation content. The podium is known as the Pod.

About room types

The tables below present an overview of room types and if Lecture Capture is enabled for each of the buildings at Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses.

DALI, ISLA and Legacy rooms

A learning space is classified as a DALI, Livestream, ISLA or a Legacy room. 

DALI rooms

Rooms that have been renovated as part of the Designing Active Learning initiative (DALI) are classified as DALI rooms. 

DALI was created primarily to evaluate and refine teaching and learning spaces. From the summer of 2015 to the present, DALI has undertaken a renovation of all audio visual equipment in most of the learning spaces at Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses. The project looked specifically at in-class technologies with a particular focus at the way staff interact with those technologies. The in-class technologies incorporates the Teaching AV Podium or Pod, and extends to the teaching zone that surrounds it. The project has refined teaching spaces such as lecture theatres, seminar rooms. The project also used staff and student feedback to evaluate the way the technology in the room can engage the learner more actively.

Livestream rooms

Livestream spaces have the standard new DALI technology but have been enhanced with extra microphones to capture student discussion. These are more suitable for lecture capture live streaming than standard DALI rooms, but will not provide the interactive capability of ISLA equipped spaces.  Rooms equipped to Livestream specification are most suitable for larger group teaching, which is potentially less scope for group-based activities but can allow some interaction, such as using Poll Everywhere for example.

ISLA Rooms

ISLA rooms are primarily intended to enable interaction between students and lecturers and so are best suited for smaller class groups. They are DALI rooms with an additional layer of technology. This technology includes a large display screen for the Zoom or Teams interface, a second camera directed at in-class students for those online, and additional ceiling microphones installed throughout the room to pick up discussions.

Legacy rooms

Rooms that have an older-style Pod and haven't yet been renovated as part of the DALI project are classified as Legacy rooms.

What can I do in each type of room?

The table below sets out what you can do in DALI, Livestream, ISLA and Legacy rooms

Podium types and capabilities
Can I...? DALI Livestream ISLA Legacy
Project content from the podium PC Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project content from a laptop (NB an adapter may be required) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Project content from the visualiser Yes Yes Yes Yes
Record via Lecture Capture Yes Yes Yes

No *

Livestream via Lecture Capture Yes Yes Yes No *
Use a lapel mic to record audio if I move around the room Yes Yes Yes


Record/broadcast class contributions via ceiling mics No Yes Yes No

Run hybrid sessions with Zoom

No No Yes No

Run hybrid sessions with Teams meetings

No No Yes No
Add a guest speaker via Zoom (You will need your own laptop and webcam to facilitate this.) Yes Yes Yes Yes

* Except LG002 and LG003 at Bunhill Row.

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