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Teach with Lecture Capture guide

Explore tips for how to deliver your lecture when it is being recorded and how to support students to learn with Lecture Capture.

Tips for teaching with Lecture Capture

When teaching with Lecture Capture, you can carry on teaching as you normally would. Lecture Capture is a supplement to your face-to-face teaching and not a replacement.

There are a few simple checks and adjustments that you can make to ensure that your Lecture Capture recording is a useful revision and consolidation resource for your students. 

  1. Discuss with your students how to effectively engage with Lecture Capture recordings and your expectations around in-person attendance at the start of term.
  2. Remind students that the lecture is being recorded and when it will be available. Please note for academic year 2024/25, all recordings are being scheduled with a 1-day delay before becoming available to students.
  3. Wear a lapel microphone if walking around the room while teaching to ensure that your audio is recorded.
  4. Use your mouse cursor rather than a laser pointer to highlight content that your are projecting onto the screen so that students can view this on the recording.
  5. Pause the recording using the Pause button on the Creston panel during sensitive discussions or where you are working on something personal on your computer or connected laptop.
  6. Remember to select Resume when you are ready to restart the recording. Ask your students to remind you of this as it is really easy to forget. 
  7. Repeat any questions that students ask so that these are picked up on the recording. This means that your answer will be in context on the recording.
  8. Use the Visualiser to record your writing or to record objects you are demonstrating.
  9. Lecture Capture can record the Whiteboard. You will need to readjust the camera to ensure that it picks up the Whiteboard and may need to switch off lights in the teaching area to reduce glare on the screen.
  10. Consider providing students with some guided questions that you would like them to answer as they watch the recording. You can revisit these questions in your next lecture. 

Technical tips for teaching with Lecture Capture

  1. Ensure that the projector is switched on.
    • You can book a recording for audio and camera. However, the projector must be turned on for the system to record.
  2. Check that Lecture Capture is displaying a recording message on the Crestron panel before you start your lecture.
    • If the Crestron displays a not recording message and you have booked Lecture Capture use the phone in the room to contact IT Self Service Portal.
  3. Put on your label microphone on to ensure good audio quality on your recording as you walk around the room.

Screencast: Lecture Capture Pod controls

Lecture Capture Pod controls

Crestron displaying a Lecture Capture not recording message

The Lecture Capture controls on the Pod give you control over the recording while teaching.


Crestron displaying a Lecture Capture not recording message

Crestron displaying a Lecture Capture recording message

The Lecture Capture controls on the Pod give you control over the recording while teaching.


Lecture Capture recording message

Lecture Capture Paused

The Lecture Capture controls on the Pod give you control over the recording while teaching.


Crestron displaying a Lecture Capture Paused message

Lecture Capture camera angles

You can control the Lecture Capture camera via the DALI control panel. This means that that you can choose what section of the front of the room will be recorded.

  • Choose Camera setup on the right-hand side of the panel to open the camera setup options.
    • Selecting AV Pod will automatically focus on the Pod area.
    • Selecting Whiteboard Left or Right will focus on the selected Whiteboard.
    • You also have the option to Zoom In or Out as well as using the arrow icons to fine tune the setup.

Video camera setup options


Livestream audio controls

In the Livestream rooms in Centenary Building only, there are ceiling microphones to capture student voice as part of the Echo360 Lecture Capture system. These allow academics to record student interaction and discussion during the lecture. Microphones are placed above the seating in each of the lecture theatres in Centenary Building. This affords greater inclusivity and engagement for students who are joining a live stream online or for those who were unable to attend the lecture.

Microphones in a Centenary Building lecture theatre.

Mute Audience Mic

Use the Mute button alongside Audience Mic at the bottom right of the Crestron control panel to mute the ceiling microphones prior to and after any discursive activities.

Audience mics mute button highlighted on Crestron panel

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