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Teams Meetings staff guide

Teams Meetings is one of the Virtual Classroom solutions available to use. Explore how to schedule and facilitate Teams Meetings.

Start Meeting

  1. Open the calendar invitation/link on Moodle and select Join Microsoft Teams Meeting to join the meeting.
  2. You will be presented with video and audio options.  At this point, you can toggle your camera, blur background and mute or unmute audio. (You can also do this within the meeting).
  3. When you are ready, select Join now.

Choose video and audio options with camera, background and audio options highlighted. Join now button highlighted

Facilitate session

The meeting controls are accessed via the meeting toolbar. If you are using the new meeting experience, the toolbar will appear at the top of the Teams Meeting. Select a button to use the feature.

Teams meeting toolbar


Guest displaying as waiting in the lobbyView and manage students and participants in your meeting including:

  • Admit from lobby: If you have activated the lobby feature, you can view and admit participants displaying in the column Waiting in the lobby from the Participants screen. Select the tick icon to admit a participant.
  • Mute participant: If a student has accidentally left their mic open, you can mute this for them. Select Participants and then hover over an individual student. Open the three dots menu. Select Mute participantMute participant highlighted in more options menu alongside attendee
  • Select Participants and select Mute all to mute all attendees.
  • Review raised hands: Students can use the Raise hand option to signal that they want to talk without disrupting the meeting. You can view hands raised and the order in which they were raised via the Participants panel. You can then invite students to unmute and ask their question at an appropriate time in the meeting.


Review and participate in meeting text chat.

  • Type your message and press Send or the return key to post messages to the chat.

More actions 

Access additional features from the three dots menu to help you manage your meeting including:

  • Start recording: The Meeting organiser or Presenters with City accounts can start the recording. Guests and anonymous users cannot start a recording. 
  • Select background effects: Blur your background or apply a virtual background.
  • Turn off incoming video: Maximise audio quality if your internet connection is slow. This will turn off the video of others that you see, it will not impact others having their video on/off, no one will see or know you have selected this option.
  • Turn on captions: Captions in Teams Meetings can be switched on and off by each meeting participant.

Breakout rooms

Manually or automatically organise a large group of students into smaller groups for discussion and collaboration from theLarge square surrounding small square breakout room icon breakout room icon.

  • The Meeting organiser (person who scheduled the Teams Meeting) can start and facilitate breakout rooms.
  • The Meeting organiser can appoint a breakout rooms manager before or during a meeting. The breakout room manager can then start and facilitate breakout rooms.
  • The breakout room manager needs to be a City user and must be first allocated as a meeting presenter.
  • Only one person can manage a meeting's breakout rooms at a time. 

Share contentShare content icon selected with option to share screen, window or PowerPoint

Display your screen, window or PowerPoints to the meeting from the share icon.


Provide non verbal feedback when students are presenting by selecting an appropriate emoji from the reactions icon.

Reactions menu opened showing reactions available including thumbs up

Give students permission to share content in meeting

  1. If you have restricted presenting access, but would like individual students to be able to temporarily share content, select Participants from the meeting toolbar.
    • The meeting organiser and any designated presenters will be able to change students’ roles in tmore options menu opened alongside attendee and Make a presenter highlightedhe meeting.
  2. From the Attendees list, hover over the relevant attendee's name, Open the three dots menu and choose Make presenter. The student will retain the presenter role until you make them an attendee again.


Related guidance

Restrict attendees from unmuting in meeting

You can mute attendees in a meeting and stop them from using their microphone. You might want to do this if you are presenting and need everyone to concentrate on the screen. When you are ready to take students' questions again you can allow attendees to unmute themselves.

This setting only applies to Attendees. To demote presenters to attendees, the meeting organiser must choose who the presenters are in the Meeting options and everyone else will be an attendee by default. Meeting options can be accessed within a meeting from the three dots menu on the meeting toolbar.

  1. To stop attendees from unmuting, select Participants to open the Participants pane.
  2. Select the three dots within Participants to open the menu.Participants menu opened and disable mic for attendees highlighted
  3. Select the option Disable mic for attendees.
  4. Select Disable mics on the pop-up that appears.


To enable attendees to unmute themselves.

  1. Select Participants to open the Participants pane.
  2. Select the three dots within Participants to open the menu.
  3. Select the option Allow mic for attendees.
  4. Select Allow on the pop up that appears.

End meeting for all

  1. To end meeting for all, select the arrow alongside Leave and select End meeting.Arrow alongside Leave opened and End meeting highlighted
  2. A pop-up will display to ask you to confirm that you want to end the meeting. Select End.

Censorship and profanity in Automated Speech Recognition

Automated speech recognition can be inaccurate. Captions or transcripts of your recordings may contain words incorrectly transcribed as profanities e.g. swear words or inappropriate words. Alternatively, you might find that the captions or transcripts on your recordings are censoring words with a row of asterisks which means that students relying on captions are missing key information.

LEaD are gathering information on the impact of profanities and censorship in recordings. If you find any examples, please raise a ticket with us via the LEaD General Request Form on IT Self Service Portal. 

Please include as much information as possible, including system used - Lecture Capture, Teams, Zoom, links to the recordings on Moodle and timecodes.  

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License