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Teams Meetings staff guide

Teams Meetings is one of the Virtual Classroom solutions available to use. Explore how to schedule and facilitate Teams Meetings.

About Outlook scheduling

Students are not typically invited to Teams Meetings scheduled via an Outlook meeting. Ensure that you make the link available to students via Moodle and that as a programme team that you provide access to the links in a consistent location.

In Teams Meetings, by default all attendees in a meeting have permission to present, which can cause issues with the lecturer maintaining control of the audio and screen-sharing. For teaching sessions, it’s best to change this so that only specific people such as the lecturer and co-facilitators can present.

About Record automatically

The automatic meeting recording feature is available. Meeting organisers can set this from their Meeting options/settings. 

The first person to join the meeting will automatically start the recording if they are from the organisation hosting the meeting. They become the owner of the recording in OneDrive/SharePoint.

Where you want to automatically record the meeting in an Outlook scheduled meeting, ensure you set up a lobby so that you will own full rights to the recordings.

Schedule meeting

  1. Open Outlook. From your calendar, select New Teams Meeting to set up your Virtual Classroom.
  2. Give the meeting a meaningful title e.g. module name lectures Term 1 or module name Seminar Group 1 or 2 or 3.
  3. Add co-facilitators to the invite. You can add these staff as co-organisers from the Meeting options once you have saved the meeting and they can help you manage and facilitate the Teams Meeting.
  4. Set the time and date for the meeting.
  5. Set up a recurrence so that the Teams Meeting link is available to lecturers and co-facilitators at the right date and time each week. Select Recurrence. Select to Repeat every 1 week and set end date for corresponding day of the week in last week of teaching.
  6. You can activate the lobby and set the presenters prior to sending the invitation. Select Settings from the Outlook toolbar. Choose Meeting options. Set up your lobby options and presenters. The lecturers should be presenters. This means that students will be attendees and will have fewer permissions within a meeting.
  7. Send the meeting invitation.

Activate lobby, select co-organisers and restrict who can present

  1. Open the first occurrence of the meeting on Outlook. Select The entire series.
  2. Select Meeting options. You may need to right click and select Open hyperlink to open the link.
  3. Select your co-organisers to help you manage your meeting. Start typing their names into the Choose co-organiser field. Review Microsoft guidance for  information on permissions available to co-organisers.
  4. If you want to ensure that only students accessing with their credentials can immediately join the meeting, you can select People in my organization from the Who can bypass the lobby options.
    • If you want to place all students into the lobby and admit them individually, you can select Only me and co-organisers from the Who can bypass the lobby drop-down menu.

Who can bypass the lobby people in my organisation selected and co-organiser added

  1. To restrict who can share their screen and record the meeting you can select Specific people or Only me or Only me and co-organisers from the Who can present menu. Anyone who has been invited to the meeting will appear via search to select as a Presenter.
  2. If you enable the Record automatically setting, the first person to join the meeting will automatically start the recording if they are from the organisation hosting the meeting. They become the owner of the recording stored in OneDrive. Where you want to automatically record the meeting, ensure you set up a lobby so that you will own full rights to the recordings. In the meetings for Who can bypass the lobby? Select Only me.
  1. You can also restrict mic, camera, chat and reactions in the meeting from this menu.
  2. Select Save.

Only me selected from Who can present menu and automatic recording option highlighted

Related guidance

Cancel/update occurrence in recurrent meeting series

You may need to go back to your meeting series and delete occurrences of the meeting e.g. Reading week or update dates and times due to changes in timetabling.


  1. Open the relevant meeting occurrence. Select Just this one and select OK.Open recurring item pop up menu
  2. Select Cancel Meeting.
  3. Select Delete this occurrence in the pop-up window. Select OK.
  4. Select Send cancellation.


  1. Open the relevant meeting occurrence. Select Just this one and select OK.
  2. Change the date and or/time of this occurrence.
  3. Select Send update.

Provide meeting link to students

We recommend adding a link to the meeting to Moodle and that as a programme team you make these links available to students in a consistent location.

  1. Open the first occurrence of the meeting in Outlook.
  2. Copy the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link (Right click and Copy hyperlink).

    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting hyperlink highlighted

  3. Paste the link into a URL, Label, Page or Calendar event in Moodle. Provide a meaningful title for the meeting link.

Related guidance

Add students to Outlook invite (optional)

If you want the meetings to be populated into students'  Outlook and Teams calendar you can add the students to the meeting invite.

  1. Open the relevant meeting invitation.
  2. Select to open The entire series for recurring meetings.
  3. Add the relevant students to the invitation.
  4. Select Send update.
  5. Select Send updates only to added or deleted attendees. Select OK. The meeting invitations will now be available for students in their outlook calendar and via their Teams calendar.

Student email addresses

You can retrieve students' email address from Moodle by downloading a class list. 

If your invite is only relevant to a group of students (e.g. tutorial group) and that group is set up on Moodle, you can filter by group from the enrolment page to download the email addresses of relevant students only.

Related guidance

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License