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Teams Meetings staff guide

Teams Meetings is one of the Virtual Classroom solutions available to use. Explore how to schedule and facilitate Teams Meetings.

About Stream Classic recordings

Recordings of Teams Meetings held prior to July 2022 were stored on Stream Classic. You may also have created pre-recorded content on Stream Classic.

IT migrated Stream Classic recordings to OneDrive and you can find these recordings in a folder titled Stream Migrated Videos.

If you rolled over or imported content to your Moodle module for this year you may have included links to recordings in Stream Classic and these links will no longer work. You will need to create a new sharing link with students. There are two ways to create a sharing link.

  1. If you have a Teams for Teaching associated with the Moodle module where you want to share the recording, you can share the video to the Team members.
  2. If you do not have a Teams for Teaching associated with the Moodle module then you will need to share the recording with "People in City, University of London".

Create a shareable link for "People in City, University of London"

  1. Open your OneDrive.
  2. Navigate to the folder titled Stream Migrated Videos.
  3. Locate the relevant recording.
  4. Select the three dot menu alongside the title.
  5. Choose Share.

Three dot menu opened alongside recording with Share highlighted

  1. A dialog box will open, select the Sharing Settings icon, shaped like a cog, alongside the video's name. 

Cog icon highlighted in Share dialog box

  1. Select People in City, University of London.
  2. From More settings, and choose Can view.
  3. Toggle Block download to On.
  4. Select the Apply button to save your settings.

OneDrive sharing settings with people in City, university of London selected

  1. You will be returned to the Share dialog box. Select Copy link. The link will be copied to your clipboard and can be pasted elsewhere.
  2. Select the X in the top right of the dialog box to close the Sharing options.

copy link button highlighted

  1. Create a URL resource in the relevant Moodle module, then paste the link copied from OneDrive into the External URL field.

Create a shareable link for Teams for Teaching

  1. Open your OneDrive.
  2. Navigate to the folder titled Stream Migrated Videos.
  3. Locate the relevant recording.
  4. Select the three dot menu alongside the title.
  5. Choose Share.

Three dot menu opened alongside recording with Share highlighted

  1. A dialog box will open. Start typing the name of your Teams for Teaching site (e.g. the relevant Moodle module code followed by its title) into the Add a name, group or email field.
  2. Select the arrow to the right of the Add a name field. Choose Can view.
  3. Select the Copy link button from the bottom of the dialog box. The link will be copied to your clipboard and can be pasted elsewhere.
  4. Select the X in the top right of the dialog box to close the Sharing options.

EDM576 History added to share field. Permissions menu opened and Copy link button highlighted

  1. Create a URL resource in the relevant Moodle module, then paste the link copied from OneDrive into the External URL field.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License