The Cut-off date is the final date that students can submit their coursework to an assignment. It is often set 24 hours after the Due date to provide students with technical problems with an opportunity to submit. Students who submit their coursework prior to the Cut-off date, but after the Due date will have their submission marked as late.
Students who submit prior to the Due date , can resubmit their assignment until the Cut-off date, but any submissions after the Due date will be marked as late.
If you do not need to provide your students with extra time to submit, set the Cut-off date to the Due date. Not enabling the Cut-off date means that:
The Require students to click submit button needs to be enabled for group assignments so that you get the option to select from the setting Require all group members submit under the Group assignment submission settings.
In addition, this setting is used by staff who take the decision to mark Moodle assignments with Turnitin enabled via Feedback Studio. This option limits the likelihood of multiple submissions from the same student being available via the Feedback Studio assignment navigation. LEaD recommend that you use Moodle's grading and feedback mechanisms for grading coursework submitted to the Moodle assignment activity rather than Feedback Studio. This is to reduce the risk of marking multiple version of the same assignment and non synching of grades.
Disabling or setting the remind me to grade by date to a date after the Due date resolves this issue.