Open the Assignment. Select Settings from the contextual navigation menu to access the Assignment settings.
Scroll to the Grade settings.
Select Marking guide from the Grading method drop-down menu.
Select Save and display at the bottom of the page. You will then be redirected to the Advanced Grading page.
On the Advanced grading page, select Define new grading form from scratch.
In Moodle 3.9, Turn editing on. Select the link to Edit alongside the Assignment. Select Edit settings.
Define new Marking guide
On the Define marking guide page, add a marking record Name and, if necessary, a Description
On the Marking guide section, select the area indicated by "Click to edit":
Criterion name: What a student needs to demonstrate.
Description for Students: You can provide students with further guidance on how to meet the criterion. Criteria should be written clearly and in a language that makes them easy for students to understand
Description for Markers: Information that only markers will see. Assessment criteria should be the same for both markers and students, but occasionally you might want to provide a model answer for markers.
Maximum score for this aspect of the assignment.
Select Add criterion. Another set of fields displays.
Repeat the steps above until you have recorded all criteria and their associated marks.
Select the input field for Frequently used comments.Type a comment then select Add frequently used comments and type another, until you have entered all comments the markers are likely to need.
Under marking guide options, ensure that Show guide definition to students and Show marks per criterion to students are ticked as students must be able to see these.
Select Save marking guide and make it ready.
Edit or delete a Marking guide
Open the assignment.
Select Advanced Grading in the contextual navigation menu.
Select the appropriate icon at the top of the page to edit or delete the currently defined form.
Save your changes.
When an assignment has been marked using a marking record you are editing, when you select Save a message displays, asking whether the assignments require regrading as a result of your changes:
In Moodle 3.9, you will need to open the assignment, then select Settings menu. Select Advanced grading and then Define marking record.
Tell students how to access Marking guide
To view the marking record you've created for an assignment, students should:
Log in to Moodle and open the module.
Open the assignment.
The Marking guide and maximum marks displays towards the bottom of the Submission status page.