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Course formats guide

Explore the features of the City Course format and alternative course formats available at City.

About Moodle course formats

Course formats in Moodle enable different layouts and structures for your module. At City, the majority of taught modules use City Course Format, and the City Course Format will be applied by default to all modules for 2024/2025.

Additionally, Moodle provides a number of default course formats. The page on Alternative Course Formats outlines the limitations and features of these formats. 

Get in touch with your School Digital Education Lead for advice prior to changing your course format. A whole programme of modules needs to use the alternative format to ensure a consistent experience for students.

Moodle 4 City Course Format features

City Course Format edit mode off

Use the arrows, mouse drag or swipe on a mobile to move between the different views of key features of the City Course Format in Moodle 4.

Content displaying in collapsed sections in central column. Module index open in left-hand panel and Block drawer on the right is opened.

City Course Format edit mode on

Use the arrows, mouse drag or swipe on a mobile to move between the different views of key features of the City Course Format in Moodle 4.

Edit mode switched on. Edit icons display alongside content in the open section and move icon displays in Module index in the left-hand panel. Block drawer on the right is closed.

Edit mode switched on. Edit icons displaying alongside content in the central panel
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