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Course formats guide

Explore the features of the City Course format and alternative course formats available on Moodle.

Update Grid names and add image

  1. Switch Edit mode on. Once edit mode is on, your module looks like a regular Moodle module with sections. 
  2. Scroll to the first section/grid. Select the three dots to the right of the title to open the section menu. Select Edit section.

    ellipsis menu opened alongside Get started section and edit section highlighted

  3. Update Section name
  4. Add text to the Summary field if you need to provide further context as the Grid titles get truncated.
  5. Scroll down to Section image settings and upload an image if required. 
  6. If you add an image, enter the alternative text in the Image alt text field. 
  7. Select Save changes

Add new sections

A limitation of the Grid format is that it is not possible to add a section in between sections. To add a new section.

  1. Select Settings from the contextual navigation menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Course format settings.
  3.  The Number of sections menu displays the amount of sections in the module. Select the number that corresponds to the number of sections that you would like to display on the module.
    • For example if you have 15 sections in your module, then Number of sections will display 15. To add one more section to your module select 16 from the Number of sections menu. Settings menu opened and number of sections menu opened
  4. Scroll to end of the page and select Save and display.
  5. The section will be added to the end of the module, but you can move its location.

Move a section to a new location

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. Scroll to the end of the module to locate the new section added to the module.
  3. Select the three dots to the right of the section title.
  4. Select Move.

    Edit section menu opened alongside section 16, Move option selected

  5. An overlay window will open. Select the section on the module before which you would like to display the new section.

    Overlay menu displaying sections on module

  6. Turn Edit mode off to confirm that the section displays in the expected location. The section number will change to correspond to its new location.
  7. You can also move a section to a new location using the Module index. With Edit mode on, open the Module index on the panel on the left. Select the arrow alongside the section title and use your mouse to drag and drop it to a new location on the Module index. Switch Edit mode off to confirm that the section is in the correct location.

Add a section break

Using Grid format, you can add a section break to organise your Grids. This could be useful for modules running over multiple terms e.g. Term 1, Term 2.

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. Select the three dots menu alongside the section where you want the separator to display above.
  3. Select edit section.
  4. Set Section break to Yes.
  5. Type the name into the Section break heading input field. You can format your section heading using HTML e.g. H2 or strong.

    Section break menu set to Yes and text Term 2 in section break heading

  6. Select Save changes.
  7. You will be returned to the module page. Switch edit mode off to confirm that the section break displays in the correct position.

Moodle content

Module content is delivered in the form of resources and activities that you create to help students meet the outcomes of your module.

  1. To start adding content, turn Edit mode on from the top right of the page.
  2. Select the section where you want to display the content.

    Section open with add an activity or resource displaying at bottom of the page

  3. Select Add an activity or resource. The Activity chooser opens in an overlay window. Use the Activity chooser to select an activity or resource and complete the steps.

Orphaned activities

If you reduce the number of sections in the course settings to a number less than the number of sections that already exist, the content of the additional sections will appear as orphaned activities.

For example, if your module originally contained 10 sections and you reduce the course settings to 8 sections, sections 9 and 10 will no longer appear in the central grid. However, the sections will still be accessible to both staff and students via the Module index.

  • If you want to retain the sections, update the number of sections in the course settings.
  • If you no longer want to use the sections, delete them or hide them from students.

When you access the additional sections, they will appear as Orphaned activities (section number)

Section displays as Orphaned activities

Staff and students can still access and interact with all activities and resources in the section. No content in the sections is deleted. If the section contains, for example, an assignment submission point, all submissions will still be available to view and grade.

Staff can edit the content of the section but not the section itself.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License