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Course formats guide

Explore the features of the City Course format and alternative course formats available at City.

About alternative course formats

Alternative course formats are available for particular programmes. These have been designed to meet the teaching requirements of individual programmes. Additionally, Moodle provides a number of default course formats. The tabs below outline the limitations and features of these formats. 

Get in touch with your School Digital Education Lead for advice prior to changing your course format. A whole programme of modules needs to use the alternative format to ensure a consistent experience for students.

Alternative course formats available

This is a third party format that creates a grid of icons (one for each section) with short titles. Select the icon to open the corresponding section.

This format also has a Module index on the left for quick navigation and a Block drawer on the right-hand side to provide easy access to Blocks.

Once Edit mode is on, the editing interface is very similar to that of modules using City Course Format so will be familiar to you.

Grid limitations

  1. Within Grid format settings, do not change the default option for Use a popup. The popup Grids have not been tested for accessibility.
  2. Grid names are truncated at 20 characters including spaces. If you increase the grid container width to 448 in Settings, section titles of up to 50 characters will display. We recommend increasing the grid container to 256 and to name sections with week e.g. week commencing 17/1/23 and then put additional information in the summary.
  3. There is no ability to add a new section in between existing sections. However, you can increase the number of sections in the module Settings. You can then move the section to a new location using the drag and drop icons on the Module index on the left-hand side of the screen or select the three dots menu to the right of the section and select Move. Select the new location for the section.
  4. Due dates for Video and Turnitin Assignments do not display on the module page. Due dates for Moodle Assignment activities and Peer Assessment activities do display on module page in Grid format.
    • The work round is to add due dates for Turnitin and Video Assignment activities to the Description/Summary field and check to Display description on module page.
  5. General/Introduction topic is not collapsible.
  6. It is not apparent from edit mode where a subheading has been applied. Go to view the Grid and locate it, then change the settings for that Grid by selecting the cog icon alongside it.
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