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Extensions and resubmissions guide

Explore the options in each of the assessment types to help you manage extensions and resubmission securely.

About Moodle Assignment resubmission

You will need to activate Attempts reopened in the assignment settings.

  1. Turn Edit Mode on.
  2. Open the assignment activity.
  3. Select Settings from the contextual navigation menu to update the Assignment settings.
  4. Scroll down the page to Submission settings.
  5. Select the relevant option under Additional Attempts:
    • Manually (Lecturer reopens the assignment for the student).
    • Automatically until pass (Assignment automatically reopens until the student reaches the set passing grade).
  6. Set the Maximum attempts to indicate how many times the student can resubmit.
    • Note: A student's original submission counts as an attempt so you will need to set Maximum attempts to at least 2.
  7. Select Save and display.

Please note that in the vast majority of cases you will want to reopen attempts Manually. There are very few circumstances in which Automatically until pass would be used.

Activate attempts reopened

You will need to activate Attempts reopened in the assignment settings.

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. Open the assignment.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down the page to Submission settings.
  5. Select the relevant option under Additional Attempts:
    • Manually (Lecturer reopens the assignment for the student).
    • Automatically until pass (Assignment automatically reopens until the student reaches the set passing grade).
  6. Set the Maximum attempts to indicate how many times the student can resubmit.
    • Note: A student's original submission counts as an attempt so you will need to set Maximum attempts to at least 2.
  7. Select Save and display.


Manually open for resubmission

  1. Select the relevant assignment from the module homepage.Allow another attempt set to Yes
  2. Select on View all submissions.
  3. Select the Grade button alongside the relevant student. This will open the student's submission and grade and feedback for the assignment.
  4. Scroll down to Attempt settings.
  5. Set Allow another attempt to Yes.
  6. Select Save Changes.

Resubmissions and cut-off date

The student will now be able to resubmit their assignment, but only up to the cut-off date in the assignment (if set). If your resubmissions are due after the cut-off date you will need to use the grant an extension function to enable the students to resubmit. 

Automatically until pass

In this case the assignment automatically reopens until the student reaches the passing grade which has been set by the lecturer in the assignment. This can be enabled by:

  1. Open the assignment. 
  2. Select Settings from the contextual navigation menu.
  3. Scroll down to Grade settings.
  4. Enter the Grade to pass.
  5. Scroll to the end of the page and select Save and return to course.

Workshop recording: Manage extensions, late submissions and resubmissions for Moodle assignments

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