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Extensions and resubmissions guide

Explore the options in each of the assessment types to help you manage extensions and resubmission securely.

About User override

User overrides can be used to:

  1. Provide additional time to students who have reasonable adjustments for assessment
  2. Provide an extension to students who experienced technical problems in accessing the timed assignment.

Dates and timing can be changed for individual users via the User overrides setting. 

You can update this setting any time, even after the assignment has closed for student attempts.

If the assignment is to be marked anonymously, staff with Programme Administrator access to modules will need to set the additional time as they can view student names.

Add user override

  1. Select the Assignment.
  2. Select the More on the contextual navigation menu and choose Overrides.

Assignment settings menu with More selected​​​​​​​

  1. Select Add user override.
  2. Search for and select the relevant student from the results returned in the Override user field.
  3. Change the relevant settings. You can override when the assignment allows submissions from, the due date, cut-off date and the time limit.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Repeat the process for any other students who need extra time.

Override menu Time limit has been increased

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