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Monitor progress guide

Explore the activities and features available in Moodle to help you monitor student progress.

About Feedback activity

The Feedback activity allows lecturers to create and deliver surveys to collect feedback. You can add different types of question types and choose whether feedback is anonymous or not.

This is a great activity to get students to provide one-minute feedback on face-to-face lectures. You can set up multiple choice questions to enable students to select the clearest part of the lecture, the area they struggled with most and what they would like to spend more time on. You can then provide additional resources to support students on the areas of difficultly and can tailor your next face-to-face session based on the feedback received.

You might also want to set up a Feedback activity to help students articulate their goals for their module so that you have a better understanding of the students' motivations for learning.

Create Feedback activity

  1. Turn Edit mode on.
  2. Open the relevant topic and select Add an activity or resource.
  3. Select Feedback from the Activities tab. 
  4. Add a meaningful Name for the feedback activity and a Description.
  5. Check the box Display description on module page if you want the Description to be visible to students from the module page.
  6. Availability: Select the Enable boxes to set a time period for the availability of the Feedback activity.
  7. Question and submission settings:
    • Record user names enables you to select whether student names display alongside their responses or whether the activity is completed anonymously.
    • If Allow multiple submissions is set to Yes, students can submit a response more than once.
    • If Enable notification of submission is set to Yes, anyone enrolled as a lecturer will receive an e-mail alert when a student submits their Feedback.
    • If Auto number questions is set to Yes, each question will be given a number, depending on the order in which they are displayed.
  8. After submission: 
    • Show analysis page, set to No to display the summary results to lecturers only and set to Yes to display a summary of results to students.
    • Write your Completion message to display for students after they have completed the Feedback activity.
    • You can direct students to the next Moodle activity, by writing the URL of the Moodle activity in the Link to next activity text box. When this is done, scroll down and press Save and display to take you to the activity where you can add questions.
  9. Select Edit questions button to start adding questions to your Feedback.
  10. Choose drop down menu opened displaying different question types including Multiple choice and short text answerSelect the relevant question from the Choose drop-down menu.
    • Question types:
      • Add a page break: Adds a page break to the survey. Can be helpful for organization, and breaking up the activity.
      • Captcha: A test to make sure a real person is filling in the form and not an automatic spamming program of some sort. Asks a person to write out some distorted text which is displayed on screen.
      • Information: Displays one of three types of information: the time of responding; the course and/ or the category where the feedback is located.
      • Label: Adds images or text between questions allowing for an extra explanation or to divide the Feedback into sections.
      • Longer text answer: Adds a text box (you specify how big it will appear in rows and columns) which people can write a long answer into.
      • Multiple choice: Adds a multiple choice question.
      • Multiple choice (rated): Adds a multiple choice question with ratings.
      • Numeric answer: Adds a question which must have a number as an answer and specify the acceptable range e.g. 1-10.
      • Short text answer: Adds a single line answer, with an input box which is a set number of characters long. You specify the maximum number of characters you will accept, so that the answer is not too long and/or does not run over the length of the box on screen.
  11. Set the question as required by checking the Required checkbox. Type in the question and different responses (where applicable).
    • If you want to direct students to different questions based on their responses add the question name in the Label field.
  12. Select Save question.
  13. You can add, delete and remove questions after you have added them, by selecting the Edit link beside a question. 
  14. Once you have added your first question, you can branch subsequent questions by using the Dependence item setting in any additional questions.
  15. You can save a Feedback activity as a template for later reuse. Select Save as new template.


You can create templates that you can use across modules. Individual users can only access their own templates. To share quesions with other users, use the export/import function - see below.

  1. Open the Feedback activity.
  2. Select Templates in the contextual navigation bar above the module name.
  3. The Templates page opens displaying any Feedback activities you have saved as Templates.

Export and import questions

You can export and save questions from a Feedback activity in an .xml format and then import them into a new Feedback activity. You can import into a new feedback activity on the same module or a new one.


  1. Open the Feedback activity.
  2. Select Analysis from the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  3. The analysis page opens and displays a graphical summary of the results of each question.
  4. If you select Export to Excel, the responses will be downloaded as an excel file.


  1. Open the Feedback activity.
  2. Select Responses from the contextual navigation menu above the module name.
  3. The Responses page opens. From here the lecturer can view and then delete individual responses if required, and download table data in various formats.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License