The Scheduler activity allows the scheduling of appointments with students and is used on many programmes to manage personal tutorial bookings. Lecturers specify time slots for meetings, students then choose one of the available slots on Moodle. Lecturers, in turn, can record the outcome of the meeting - and optionally a grade - within the Scheduler. Scheduler is often used in programme modules so that a Scheduler with appointment times can be set up for each Personal Tutor. This enables students to view which appointments are available to book to meet their Personal Tutor.
Group scheduling is supported: each time slot can accommodate several students, and optionally it is possible to schedule appointments for entire groups at the same time.
Date and duration
Once you have slots created you have the ability to assign student to slots.
Open the Scheduler activity.
Select slot
If students have not yet booked an appointment on Scheduler you can send them a reminder by: