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Turnitin Assignment feedback guide

Explore grading and feedback features available in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Access Submission Inbox

  1. Once the assignment submission deadline has passed, select the link to the Turnitin Assignment on the module homepage.
  2. This opens the Turnitin Submission Inbox. This page lists the key dates for the assignment and the student submissions.
  3. You can use the filters alongside each of the headings to organise your Submission Inbox. Options include to organise by student name, Submission title or Similarity score.

Submission displaying for student with similarity score of 18%

Access Feedback Studio

  1. Select the blue pencil icon in the Grade column for the student assignment that you want to grade. If the paper does not open, check that you have your pop-ups enabled. If the pop-ups are blocked initially you will need to click on the blue pencil again if accessing via Internet Explorer.

Pencil icon highlighted alongside Student Three

Active Layers

TActive Layers menu opened and both Grading and Similarity highlighted as activehere are two Layers available in Feedback Studio - Grading and Similarity. You can choose to view one Layer or choose to display both the Grading and Similarity Layers simultaneously. The Similarity Layer will highlight any issues with paraphrasing and help you identify where students have cited their references correctly.

The benefit of activating both Layers is that you can provide feedback and comments on the student's academic writing skills. Layers can be switched on and off using  the Layers side panel which is available on the right of the screen.

Use Quickmarks

You can use QuickMarks to add feedback regarding the structure and clarity of expression of an assignment. You can place the QuickMark on the relevant part of the assignment so that it is clear to student what the comment is related to. 

  1. Select the text on the assignment which you want to associate with a QuickMark. Quickmark with comment this is a great piece of work. Option to save comment as a QuickMark is opened
  2. When you release the mouse button, the QuickMark mini toolbar will be displayed.
  3. Select the bubble icon to open up a text field.
  4. Type your comment and select outside of the comment box. The QuickMark will be saved automatically.
    • Select and drag a QuickMark to move it around the document.
    • Select the text of the comment, then on the trash icon to delete it.
    • You can also convert a new comment into a QuickMark by selecting Convert to QuickMark link.

Assigning Commonly Used Turnitin QuickMarks

There are a number of default QuickMark sets available or your programme team can build its own QuickMark set to ensure consistency in marking.

  1. Select the QuickMarks icon White tick in blue box icon
  2. Select a QuickMark set to open it.
  3. Drag and drop the relevant comments onto the student assignment.

Provide Feedback Summary

The Feedback Summary allows you to provide general feedback on a student's assignment. This could be in the form of strengths and areas for development.

  1. Providing Turnitin FeedbackTo add general feedback to a student’s assignment, select the Feedback Summary iconpen writing on piece of paper icon from the Grading layer.
  2. Text-based feedback can be typed in the Text Comment field. Your feedback will be saved automatically.
    • To delete a general comment, select the trash icon at the top of the Text Comment field. This is only visible after text is added. There is a 5,000-character limit for general comments.
    • You can also record a three minute Voice Comment directly into Feedback Studio. As no captions are available for the Voice Comment we recommend that you also include textual feedback so that feedback is accessible to all students.



Grade assignment

Numeric grades are added to the top right of the student assignment. Click away from the Grade to save it.

The grade and feedback will become available to students via the Turnitin Assignment and the Grader Report on the Post Date.

Grading LEaD Student 5 with 67/100

Navigate Feedback Studio

You can navigate to all papers submitted to an assignment within Feedback Studio.

  • Select the arrow to move between papers.
  • Select the arrow in the drop-down list to view all the papers that have been submitted to the assignment, along with your students' names, unless the submissions have anonymous marking. You can use this to choose a specific student's assignment to review.
  • Assignments are ordered by the date they were submitted. The left arrow takes you to the previous paper in the Submission Inbox and the right arrow will move you to the next assignment.

Drop down menu showing all students enrolled on the module

Release feedback and grades

The Post Date in Turnitin controls the release of grades and feedback to students. Once marking and moderation is completed, you can release the grades to students by updating the Post Date.

  1. Open the Turnitin Assignment.
  2. Select the pencil icon next to Post Date in the Submission Inbox.
  3. Change the Post Date and time to the date and time that you want to release grades and feedback. Click anywhere on the page to save your changes.


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License