There are two Layers available in Feedback Studio - Grading and Similarity. You can choose to view one Layer or choose to display both the Grading and Similarity Layers simultaneously. The Similarity Layer will highlight any issues with paraphrasing and help you identify where students have cited their references correctly.
The benefit of activating both Layers is that you can provide feedback and comments on the student's academic writing skills. Layers can be switched on and off using the Layers side panel which is available on the right of the screen.
You can use QuickMarks to add feedback regarding the structure and clarity of expression of an assignment. You can place the QuickMark on the relevant part of the assignment so that it is clear to student what the comment is related to.
There are a number of default QuickMark sets available or your programme team can build its own QuickMark set to ensure consistency in marking.
The Feedback Summary allows you to provide general feedback on a student's assignment. This could be in the form of strengths and areas for development.
Numeric grades are added to the top right of the student assignment. Click away from the Grade to save it.
The grade and feedback will become available to students via the Turnitin Assignment and the Grader Report on the Post Date.
You can navigate to all papers submitted to an assignment within Feedback Studio.
The Post Date in Turnitin controls the release of grades and feedback to students. Once marking and moderation is completed, you can release the grades to students by updating the Post Date.