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Turnitin Assignment feedback guide

Explore grading and feedback features available in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

About Rubric

Rubrics can be used to evaluate student work based on defined criteria and scales. They are a set of standards linked to the levels of student achievement. Each criterion within a rubric includes a description of the level of achievement and optionally a numeric value attached to each criterion. 

A Rubric is associated with the Turnitin assignment when it is created and then each marker can use the Rubric when marking the assignment to ensure consistency in marking and make the marking process more transparent to students.

Create Rubric

Guidance on how to create a Rubric is covered in our Create Turnitin Assignment guide.

Access Submission Inbox

  1. Once the assignment submission deadline has passed, select the link to the Turnitin Assignment on the module homepage.
  2. This opens the Turnitin Submission Inbox. This page lists the key dates for the assignment and the student submissions.
  3. You can use the filters alongside each of the headings to organise your Submission Inbox. Options include to organise by student name, Submission title or Similarity score.

Submission displaying for student with similarity score of 18%

Access Feedback Studio

  1. Select the blue pencil icon in the Grade column for the student assignment that you want to grade. If the paper does not open, check that you have your pop-ups enabled. If the pop-ups are blocked initially you will need to click on the blue pencil again if accessing via Internet Explorer.

Pencil icon highlighted alongside Student Three

Provide feedback on assignment

  1. You can provide operational feedback and associate this with the rubric criterion. This help studentsAssign Criterion menu opened displaying available criterion from attached rubric identify how the feedback is relevant to the marking criteria.
    • Select the text on a student assignment where you want to provide operational feedback. 
    • Select the bubble icon to write a QuickMark comment.
    • Select Assign Criterion at the top of the QuickMark and select the associated criterion from the menu that opens. (These are the criteria available in the attached Rubric).
  2. Select the Feedback Summary icon Pen writing on paper iconon the grading layer to provide additional feedback around strengths and areas for development in the student's assignment.

Provide Rubric feedback

  1. From the Grading layer, select the rubric icon Incomplete grid icon with blue squares to open the Rubric side panel. 
  2. To view the expanded rubric within another window, select the expand rubric icon to the right of rubric title.Expand icon highlighted alongside Annotated Bibliography in Rubric panel


The expanded rubric displays each cell description, to allow lecturers to easily select the criteria scales for the assignment.

  1. Select criterion description to give your student a score for each of the criterion.
  2. For Quantitative Rubrics, elect the Apply to Grade button at the bottom of the expanded rubric window to apply the score to the student's grade. 

    Rubric criterion opened and rubric marking started. Apply to Grade button highlighted

  3. Select Close to exit the expanded rubric. For a Qualitative Rubric, you will need to Close the Rubric and add the grade for the student into the Grade input field at the top of the assignment.
  4. Use the navigation arrows in the Feedback Studio, or use the navigation drop-down menu to select the assignment for a specific student to move through your marking.

Screencast: Mark with Rubrics

The screencast below is set to play from the section of the video that covers how to mark with a Rubric.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License