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Turnitin Assignment feedback guide

Explore grading and feedback features available in Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Submitting coursework to Turnitin web version on behalf of students

Get started - Turnitin web version

This guidance is for use when Similarity Reports are required but students submitted to an assessment type that is not integrated with Turnitin. 

In Moodle 4, you can enable Turnitin on Moodle Assignments, Forums and Quiz essay questions. If you are planning on using any of these assessment types refer to the relevant guidance on enabling Turnitin within the activity.

Turnitin requires students to accept an end user agreement with Turnitin. Use of Turnitin is included as a Registration Task which students (new and returning) need to agree to as part of registering/re-registering on their programme.

Related guidance

Get access to Turnitin web version

This guidance is for staff only. If you are a student and want access to Turnitin, you must speak to lecturer to check what is available on your programme.

There is no software required to use Turnitin. To get access, you must first request an account. If you have used Turnitin via Moodle, you will already have an account. To reset your password for the web version.

  1. Go to the Turnitin website.
  2. Alongside Forgot your password, select Click here.
  3. Input your university email address.
  4. Input your last name.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select Forgotten the secret answer.
  7. A new password will be emailed to you.

If you are a member of staff and have not previously used Turnitin via Moodle, you can request an account via IT Self Service Portal. You will then receive an email directing you to access the Turnitin website and set your password. It is a requirement that you undergo a short training session before using Turnitin and you will be contacted directly to arrange a suitable time.

You can access the Turnitin website at the link below.

Submit coursework for multiple students for similarity check

You can no longer upload files to Turnitin web version on behalf of unenrolled users. To stop your students receiving emails from Turnitin to activate their account and asking them to submit coursework to the web version, you must enrol students using a pseudo email address with the student’s name, module code, enrolment year and school name as an identifier e.g. -

Turnitin regularly updates its online guidance. Follow the links below to access their help pages. 

  1. To use the Turnitin web version, you first need to create a class and an assignment within the class.
  2. Create a list users with pseudo email addresses and upload these. 
  3. Next you will to import a zip file of coursework files and associate each assignment with the relevant student.
  4. Wait for the Similarity Reports to generate and then you can review them.

This workflow does not work where there is more than one file per student. 

Submit coursework for one student for similarity check

Technologies (such as Turnitin) may be used to support academic judgement in cases of suspected academic misconduct, for example: to investigate suspected cases of academic misconduct already identified via other means [...] (City, St George's University of London, 2024/25)

This portion of the guide outlines how to use the Turnitin web version to produce a similarity check for one student where a suspected case of academic misconduct was identified by other means. This process uses the Quick Submit feature which does not require you to create a Class or an Assignment in Turnitin.

  1. Login to the site
  2. Select the Quick Submit tab which is third from the left at the top of the screen. 
    • If you do not have access to the Quick Submit tab, enable this via the User info tab at the top of the page alongside your name.
    • From the Activate quick submit drop-down menu select Yes.
    • Select Submit button to save your changes. You will be redirected to the homepage and the Quick Submit tab will display.
  3. On the Quick Submit page, select the Submit button.
  4. Select the databases that the submitted paper or papers will be checked against.
    From the Submit Papers to: drop-down box, choose which repositories you'd like the papers you are submitting to be stored in. If you would like future papers to not match against the file you will upload, choose No Repository.
  5. Continue to the paper submission page by selecting the Submit button.
  6. Insert the student's first name, last name and title for the coursework. 
  7. Select Choose from this computer and select the file. Select the Upload button on the Turnitin interface. 
  8. Select the Confirm button. 
  9. Select Go to the Assignment inbox. The Similarity score will generate once the file has been processed. Select the Similarity score to open the Similarity Report.

Similarity column highlighted in assignment inbox in Quick Submit page

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