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Podcasting guide

Explore how to create Podcasts for your students.

Share with MediaSpace and the Kaltura MediaSpace Go app

Upload your recording to MediaSpace

MediaSpace allows you to upload and deliver audio files as well as video.

Follow our guide on uploading media to Kaltura MediaSpace.

Correct your captions

By captioning your audio recording, you are providing students with a transcript they can use to follow along.

Captions also ensure your audio recordings are accessible to anyone who is unable to listen to the recording.

If you create your file in Zoom, you can create a auto-transcription file if you select the Audio Transcript function when recording.

After uploading, MediaSpace will automatically transcribe any audio in your file so that users can enable captions.

Follow our guide on captioning MediaSpace uploads.

Update the thumbnail

MediaSpace will automatically use a generic speaker icon its thumbnail image of an audio file.

This can be changed to better reflect the content of the podcast by uploading your own image.

Follow our guide for replacing the thumbnail image.

Kaltura MediaSpace channels

Creating a MediaSpace channel will allow you to curate a collection of your audio recordings, which your students can subscribe to via the Kaltura MediaSpace Go app.

Providing they have subscribed, students will receive an email alert to their university account when new content is published to the channel.

The content on your channel will be available to all staff and students who are logged in. 

Create a MediaSpace channel

  1. Log into Mediaspace and select My Channels.    
  2. Select the + Create Channel button.

  3. Give your channel a Name. You can also give your channel a Description (optional) to explain the content to your listeners. Tags are optional but are useful for searching for/grouping videos together with a certain theme.   
  4. Consider the privacy that you want applied to your channel. Select the checkbox against the appropriate option.
    • Open: All staff and students at Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses can view the content, but only staff can add videos to the channel.
    • Restricted: All staff and students at Clerkenwell and Moorgate campuses can view the content, but only members of the channel can add videos (See Add members to the channel).
    • Private: Only members can view and add videos (See Add members to the channel).  
  5. Under Options, you can control how content is added to the channel by other users. Select the checkbox against the appropriate option.
    • Moderate content: Media will only appear when approved by a channel manager.
    • Enable comments: Users' comments will be displayed for all videos in the channel.
    • Enable subscription: Allow users to subscribe to the channel.
      • This must be ticked to enable subscription.
      • A subscription link will be generated.
      • Make this link available to your students to enable them to subscribe to the channel.
  6. The default settings are no moderation is applied, comments are enabled and no subscription.
  7. Select Save when you are happy with the settings.

Add users to the channel

A User has special privileges within a channel. This includes being able to add content or to view the content in a channel without having to be subscribed.

Note: If you are distributing a subscription link to your students, they do not need to be added as Member Users to the channel.

  1. Select the Users tab > select Add Users.   
  2. Enter the username of the staff or student you want to add to the channel in the Type user or group name box. You may also use their first name or surname to find and add them, however they must have previously logged into MediaSpace to be able to add them to a channel. If you cannot find them, then ask them to log in.
  3. Set an appropriate permission:
    • Member: can only view content in a channel.
    • Contributor: can view and add content to the channel.
    • Moderator: can view and add content, and also give permission for another contributor's content to be added if the channel is moderated.
    • Manager: can do all of the above, as well as adding other members to the channel.
  4. Select Add.
  5. Add further members in the same way.     
  6. You will now see a list of members that have been added to your channel. Select Back to Channel.
  7. To add further members later on, select the Channel Actions button on the banner image and choose Edit. 

  1. Choose Users and repeat steps 1-6.

Publish media to a channel

  1. If any media has already been added to the channel, it will be listed here.
  2. Select + Add to Channel.   

  1. You will see a list of all your uploaded media.
  2. Select any items you want to publish by ticking the checkbox to the left of each thumbnail.
  3. Select + Publish to publish the selected items to the channel.      

Ask your students to download the Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) app from the Google Play Store (Android) or the Apple App Store (iOS) onto their mobile device. 

Students can subscribe to your podcast channel by either searching for it via the app or by following the subscription link generated when you created the channel.

Post the subscription link in Moodle to allow students an easy way to find your channel. We recommend something similar to the layout below, where you are providing the subscription link as well as links to the Play Store and App Store (for downloading KMS Go). If you are encouraging use of the app, make sure you provide the name of your channel so that it can be easily found.

Moodle section called Podcasting open on module

By using the main subscription link, students can also access your recordings directly through MediaSpace (via a browser) instead of downloading the app.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License