Navigating Moodle is very much like navigating around a web page. Select links to modules to open them and then select links to resources and activities to review the content. In Moodle 4, there are new navigation menus within modules.

- Top navigation menu
- The top navigation menu is available in all pages in Moodle and provides links to Dashboard, My Modules, Utilities and City Links.
- The Utilities option includes links to the Rollover Tool and My Media.
- The City Links option includes links to staff and student educational technology guidance and the Student Hub.
- Contextual navigation menu
- Contextual navigation is available within modules above the module name and provides context-sensitive links to help you to manage your module and content. The options available change depending on the role/permissions you have in different modules and the page you have opened within a module.
- On a module page, Settings provides access to your Module settings including start date and course format.
- On a module page, Participants provides access to enrolment, user details, the Photo Grid and access to Groups and Groupings.
- On an activity page, Settings enables you to edit the activity settings.
- Module index
- The Module index is available within modules in a panel on the left and provides a table of contents view of the module content. The panel can be closed and opened and the sections within the index can be collapsed and expanded.
- As a staff member with editing permission you can also use the Module index to quickly re-organise content on your module.
- Module dashboard
- The Module dashboard provides quick access to activities within a module and a link to MyTimetable for students. Each user can decide to hide or display the Module dashboard. It displays by default.
- Expand/collapse all sections
- Moodle modules are presented in collapsible sections presented by topics or by weeks. Topics are expanded by default and each user can decide to collapse all or some sections.
- Block drawer
- Blocks provide additional features and functionality to a module and can be added by staff teaching on a module. In Moodle 4, blocks are available from the Block drawer on the right hand of a module. The Block drawer can be opened and closed. The Block drawer is available to students accessing on a mobile device so that they can access blocks available.