Once logged in to Moodle (moodle4.city.ac.uk), staff and students land on the Dashboard page. The page provides access to modules and activities that require action e.g, grading for staff and assessment deadlines for students. The page contains five blocks.
- Advanced Notifications
- IT use this block to keep users up to date about any issues impacting on Moodle.
- This block will not display in your Dashboard if there are no IT updates available.
- Timeline
- Direct access to activities that require action e.g. due dates for Video and Turnitin assignments. Moodle assignments only display in the Timeline for staff where a remind me to grade date has been set. You can choose to display deadlines in the next week, month, or further into the future.
- Recently accessed modules
- Quick access to modules last viewed. Only modules that are set to visible are available in the Recently accessed modules list. Select the module title to access the module.
- Module overview block
- Access modules on which you are enrolled by selecting the title of the module.
- Use the All filter to select the relevant academic year and display modules for one academic year only.
- You can star modules for quick access from the three dots menu on the module card. You can then find your starred modules by selecting Starred from the All filter.
- You can choose to sort your modules by module name or last accessed.
- You can choose to display your modules in Card or List view.
- Still can't find the module you are looking for? You can use the Search input field to search for a particular module code or name.
Card view
List view
- Calendar
- Open the Block drawer on the right of the page to access your Moodle calendar. This includes dates of events and assessments added to activities on modules you are enrolled on.